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RE: Personal Financial Management, Savings and Investment

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Dear @abigail-dantes my comment didn't intend to offend you on a personal level (I would never do such thing to someone with such an awesome avatar, anyway lol). Sorry if it was taken this way! I was just challenging on a civilized and intellectual manner, the main idea of this beautiful post by @awesomeabasiono
I agree with both of you that the vast majority (as I mentioned in my first comment) of people are spoiling their-selves and that's a huge problem especially with younger generations. However, there's a small minority who never had much and was taught to believe that they "don't worth it." If one day these beautiful souls manage to make it in life, then they deserve to spoil their-selves (and I will dare to say, try to make up for their lost childhood as well), since no one else cared to ever spoil them before.

Like you said Abigail, finding the balance is the key. Like the ancient Greek philosophers were saying, “Pan Metron Ariston” ("Everything in Moderation").

Regardless, I am following you Abigail and I am waiting to see more posts by you. Maybe I found my "steemit cartoon soulmate" (don't be scared please, I refer to our avatars lol)

(I would never do such thing to someone with such an awesome avatar, anyway lol)


Maybe I found my "steemit cartoon soulmate" (don't be scared please, I refer to our avatars lol)

It looks like besides our love for cartoon we also share the same sense of humour! :D


If you ever discover my "Wacky Facts" you will understand that my sense of humor is taking steroids currently, but keep in mind that it's for a good purpose: help me to continue surviving without wearing pants...a common joke between freelance writers who work from home and all it takes for them to get to work is "jump" from bed to the office. Regardless, if plan A doesn't work out for me, at least I can claim that I met some awesome people, no? Including "Miss Cartoon Steemit 2018" (Yep, that's you).

Btw, joking aside, now I realize what attracted me to your avatar that much. It reminds me the SPLENDID artwork of the one and only Daniel Clowes. You got some fine taste, mi lady ;)

Ok, this is it! Let's be Steemit soulmates :D
Ps: I better explain this to my husband right now!

Ahahahaha! Well, just tell him that your avatar met her virtual soulmate. If he doesn't believe you, just tell him that your steemit partner is a superhero cartoon. If that doesn't convince him as well, just show him "my photo" and he will be reassured that I STRICTLY belong to the fantasy world he he ;)

I'm only smiling.
@tkappa, yes we ought to spoil ourselves (of course it's another reason for our struggles)
I just think we shouldn't do it at the expense of our future. If it's enough, spend it. If it isn't, spend less and save for another day. Though my wish is that we've much to spoil ourselves and to save for ourselves too.