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RE: When a Preacher Calls Out the Banksters.

in #money7 years ago

Absolutely, I know that scripture. Did you realize that he said that to a rich, young ruler, not a preacher? Lots of ppl don't acknowledge the fact that he told this to one particular person, not everyone. I think it's weird that ppl miss the point. Not everyone is a lover of money/things (addicted to money/stuff). So, a person without resources can't help others who are lacking also. I read a book that talks about a preacher who was powerful in The Lord and he fed lots of starving but didn't give himself enough food. So, he dies and the starving ppl are there now left with no one to feed them. See, the poor will always be with you. If Jesus says to YOU give it all, you'd better give it all. He said it's hard for a rich man to enter into Heaven but not impossible. In others words rich ppl aren't bound to Hell just because they have resources. The Lord looks at the heart not the physical. It seems the rich young ruler loved his possessions more than The Lord. This is obvious. One time I had 2 vehicles, one for me and one for my husband. We had 2 little babies. On our way to church one day, we saw a lady walking down the street carrying groceries. We picked her up and took her home. She told us she had 5 kids and needed to get groceries. After we dropped her off, we decided we would give her our best car because she was in more need than us, right? We went on to church and prayed The Lord would show is if we were thinking the right way, even though this is really what we wanted to do. Before we got back home we felt confident giving her our car was not The Lord. The next day, our other car broke down and we were already struggling and scraping by. My husband would have had no way to get to work, etc., if we had given that lady our car. I don't know why she was in that situation, who knows maybe she sold her car for drugs and would have done the same with ours. We learned a valuable lesson that day, being generous and giving is great when The Lord is in it but if He's not we could be killing ourselves or enabling addicts. It should always be about what He tells us not what someone with a religious mindset says. I have been homeless and understand that the less I have, the less I can help. Thanks for bringing up that scripture. One of my favorite vloggers has been taking that out of context, too. 👀


Look, I think getting into a religious debate is not for me, just google Mr. Rod Parsley and see what kind of lifestyle he lives, then get back to me, oh and it's all from the church he leads. These guys are con men.

I know who Rod is and I am not defending him or coming against him. I do try to give when The Lord tells me to and if He tells me to give to Rod, I will, but I won't if He doesn't want me to. He looks at their hearts. I just have to trust Him and sometimes that's been hard, but that's part of following Him. Ya know. ☺Thanks @gduran for your responses. ☺Have a great day!