South Africa To Repeat MISTAKE That Put Zimbabwe Into HYPERINFLATION?

in #money7 years ago

I'm about to embark on a little bit of a controversial topic. The Past of South Africa's Apartheid and the current plan to confiscate white farmers properties. What has come out is that this can cause a mass of bank failures. How? The farmers are indebted and with a coming confiscation of land. There is very little probability for a payoff of the farmer's debt, and this can cause a banking collapse as major South African banks have farm debt. NBS, Standard Bank, Barclays South Africa and First Rand all have farm debt. Some have as much as 10% of total debt being farmland debt.

The risk here is that a 10% wipeout of bank "assets" could push one of the major and other Sout African banks could cause a collapse of the highly overleveraged and cash-strapped banks playing a game of trust with their depositors.

The reason why I am saying this is a risk is that this was implemented in Zimbabwe during the late 1990's. The government's land distribution is perhaps the most crucial and most bitterly contested political issue surrounding Zimbabwe. It has been criticised for the violence and intimidation which marred several confiscations, as well as the parallel collapse of domestic banks which held billions of dollars' worth of bonds on liquidated properties.


Even if the South African repatriation of "stolen" properties which will get them? One of the dominant tribes in eastern South Africa is the Zulu people. So perhaps the South African government will carve up the land and give tiny parcels to members of the Zulu tribe. But then again the Zulu tribe conquered that region centuries ago after a bloody war with the Ndwande tribe. So perhaps the government should give the land to the descendants of the Ndwande instead.
Except that the Ndwande had conquered the area from the Mthethwa Empire, who in turn had conquered it from the Pedi tribe.

What can be sure is that political elites might divide up some of the spoils. And history repeats itself from the Zimbabwean property confiscations. The potential of creating a hyperinflation printing currency to save potentially failing banks.


The South African banks have next to nothing in Cash to deposit ratios and are fragile as is and a bank run could easily topple any of the leading South African banks. Of course, the collapse of farm debt on banks balance sheets could fast collapse the banks and follow what happened in late 1990's in Zimbabwe the predecessor of the hyperinflation that collapsed the Zimbabwean Dollar. Is the South African Rand heading the same way?




While property confiscation is one big issue, no one is talking about the drought issue for South Africas second biggest city in the country running out of the water the most important asset to any human being. South Africa has a lot of significant problems ahead as South African government debt to GDP has close to doubled since 2008. The country is in a lot of issues and violence created by bad government policies fast forwarding the collapse of South Africa!





Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,



This is not a "mistake". It is part of a world wide agenda. The white race is on it's way out, everywhere. Look at Germany, Sweden. The population is being replaced. The human being of the future is brown, a mix of all races and has an IQ of 80. This plan has been proposed 100 years ago and is now implemented. Plenty of documentation available for this fact if one cares to look, it's in plain view.

Good point, as a South African I feel like we are a dying breed, especially here in Africa of course. But what you say about UK, Sweden and Germany etc seems to be true - the watering down of the white gene pool for a NWO agenda.

I want one of those hundred trillion dollar bills I have seen them on eBay

Thanks John for giving me some good informative insights of South Africa.

Thanks for interesting post and creating awareness of problems white people face in South Africa.
Cape Town is 4th biggest City in SA and running out of water but also is one of the few places that has white majority and local government.
There is a lot of animosity between main black tribal groupings here: Zulus (21 %), Xhosas (17 %) and the Sotho (15%) and then smaller grouping that are less important and problematic. Let me tell you the secret and real truth that nobody is talking about anywhere. The economy is predominantly founded on the mining sector and the property is privately owned and leased to the government. Guess who owns something like 60%-70% of the property that the South African economy is founded on? One family owns it all. I don't want to mention the name here but let's just say that the 'old money' are one of the true rulers of our planet and one of the cabal's elite. I'm going to give you a clue though - guess who Mayer Amschel Rothschild worked for before he founded the Rothschild banking dynasty?!? And who was one of the families that were instrumental is setting up the Rothschild banking dynasty? Let me know if you can guess who is really pulling the strings here and why this has turned into a huge struggle of power and control and by its extension brought all white people into the firing line?
Thanks for sharing and yes taking the land away from white people (and perceived biggest owners of property being the white farmers) will not solve the peoples or the governments problems and only create another war here which will absolutely have devastating effects on the economy and send many black people into severe poverty also.

Hey there, good to hear your points. I was born and raised in Cape Town and left to avoid the crowds, moving along the coast to a smaller town. Drought is the new norm along the south coast of Africa it seems, much dryer than in previous decades.

Mining is the source of the wealth of South Africa, but as you say, the wealth seems to have gone to some private coffers. The locals were used as slave labour for a century to mine in the deepest, worst conditions in the world for the gold. Those elite families like Openheimer, De Beers and the other usual names, seem to have the planet all wrapped up in their web at this point in history, with little chance of a solution to their power grip at the throats of humanity. Its slave species from here on, unless the masses, the people rise up en masse and begin the revolution. Let's see if they get it together to take back their power.

This is just sad that the world is literally falling into the hands of these central bankers. What's even worse is that they aren't even hiding it anymore.

I almost bought the 100 Trillion Dollar bill when I was in Zambia a few years ago, the merchant wanted $10.00 I told him its too much! LOL :)

I enjoy your WAM videos on Youtube and so happy to see you here too. As a South African, from Cape Town by birth, I have seen the drought first hand. Also the social unrest caused by the potential land grabs is indeed a concern. Minority opposition parties like the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) are a new breakaway from the main ANC ruling party and they seem to be rousing up the population with their fiery rhetoric instigating land invasions. It could get messy. I wonder if the EFF are secretly funded by some NWO members to ferment unrest for some profitable motive?