Are We All Living In A MATRIX?

in #money7 years ago

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I think a lot every day about the world. What I have thought about recently and lots throughout the last ten years is if we live in a simulation in a supercomputer?

Do we live in a supercomputer? Where algorithms make the choices for you based on what you have learned before? Are you the real you or is it an algorithm and you are energy fuelling the system like in The Matrix?


It is hard to tell what we are today. Where did we come from? What is a human being? Asking these questions drag you down a rabbit hole of philosophical thought that you will never get out of once you've entered. You cannot unlearn what you have learned. Unless you brainwash yourself to believe in something.

What is the reality? Reality is your perception of the world. That means that what you believe is your reality! This means that there are $7B+ realities out there. Is anyone of us right? Or are our beliefs just a mirror of how we were programmed as human beings? When we went to school were we in digital programming camps making sure your AI algorithms didn't go too far out of the source code of the universe?


What is the reality? Do we all live in a matrix created and run by elites or government? Well, even right now it looks authentic! We are getting controlled as the NWO doesn't want us to think for ourselves. We need to find our passion! What are you passionate about? If you find that I think you might be able to see, your true calling in life. You are right!


If you cannot find your reason for being on this planet, work very hard to see it. When you as a human being becomes fulfilled, you will love every day of your life!

I am passionate about bringing human beings to their perfection meaning they reach their goals and dreams. This has been my goal ever since I created my first dream board back in 2009. My goal is set for a thousand people to reach their goals and dreams in your lives. I know where I am at, but unfortunately, I am not sure how many people I helped achieve the above.

Is the current universe what we have discovered? Are there multiple realities, a multiverse? Or is there a Universe beyond anything we believe in today with various layers in our current fact.

If we are born into a MATRIX, do you think you are free? With government being in charge you are in a manually controlled universe. You are a slave to money and economics! Debt enslaves people and the more you get in debt you are a slave to the current human paradigm of bankster fractional reserve lending and many crazy monetary inventions.


Are we being controlled by bankers using us as energy sources through indebtedness? Is it very possible? I believe we have been loured into a disgusting controlled world of bankster reality that if we don't wake up, we will be enslaved forever!

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,



A very interesting topic. Tom Campbell is a physicist, consciousness researcher who speaks about this subject. I have shared som interviews with him here on steemit.

This is a good one:

Many new series about this too, here are 3 good ones.

Short and to the point, the more I study understand consciousness the more these types of questions appear and and so far this looks everyday more like the matrix where markets, perceptions and even what we think is manipulated by main stream media, governments big corps..
Great Article!

It is all just a process. And if you are naively thinking that you could have free will, then you are wrong. Human reacts to envirovment and vice-versa. Your hate towards goverment is creation of goverment it self.