Mr Robot "E-Coin" - Foreshadowing The Future of Crypto? - Short Read - 1 min

in #money8 years ago (edited)


A fictional multinational 'E-corp' has suffered a hack which wiped out its customer's debts with its banking division. Naturally, this triggered a fiat financial collapse. So US citizens increasingly began to use bitcoin.

Whilst lobbying the FED for bailouts, E-corp's heads elected to create some sort of crypto that they control. 

The show then implies that E-coin becomes the predominant and 'legitimate' crypto whilst bitcoin remains the device of black-market dealers (more specifically, silk-road-like market traders).

Why it struck me

The idea that in the midst of a financial collapse, masses would switch to cryptocurrencies, has been a prominent theme in crypto-communities.

Indeed, cryptocurrency use would certainly surge, but perhaps not to such a significant extent.

Mr Robot raised a pertinent point. 

That the politico-economic elite will probably always seek to preserve their power.

They won't lay apathetic while masses transition to alternative economic systems. 

It would follow that any significant adoption of cryptocurrency would attract intervention by the politico-economic elite , and perhaps clandestinely does.

Perhaps we are simply entering an era of a more programmatic elite rule.

What do you guys think?

Can we battle this?


Yes I caught and processed that, very very interesting writing. I wonder if one or more writers for the show are involved in cryptocurrency.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Most just don't get it yet but of course those that do won't give up their positions without a fight. What we need is a massive amount of people from all kinds of circles, races and backgrounds participating in these new techs or we will just have another new elite that controls the code illiterates.