And to you I say;
I would suggest you make a list of claimed to be scammed people, right here on Steemit.
Then let's go through the list and together discard* what evidence is insufficient.
(While I don't ignore your opinions so far, especially considering we know Berwick has dealt with some of his issue in the past and has provided a lot of value to the community over the years, please don't try to prove anything here at this moment; I'm done with conspiracy threads and pizza gate style "investigations". I will however support a well layed out case from either side.)
I'm fine with anyone claiming that he got scamed or whatever, what I'm not fine with is the exaggeration that they present their case and their shitty "journalism" they used(imho) so far, that's exactly how shitty "journalists" behave against politicians or other "VIP's" they don't like in my country, that's disgusting!
I should write a lot more to make myself more clear but my poor english is a very limiting factor.
Do you work for yourself or are you employed? Best would probably be to get TDV to answer at some point, but with the low quality "evidence" presented to me so far I can see why noone (guilty or innocent) would bother with answering it online.