Pinterest is the New Social Media Search Engine For Making Money Online Part #3

in #money7 years ago

Hey there guys.

I am the Pinterest guy that have been telling you facts about how to leverage Pinterest as the new social media search media that can help your business grow and make money online.

Yesterday,I brought you the second part of this Blog.If you did not read yesterday blog,then click here==

Today,I am bringing you the part 3 of the Pinterest story . I will be filling you in on why you should not ignore Pinterest if you want to have a lasting money making business or blog online.

Pinterest users are buyers. This is why you can make money using this platform.Why other social media platform would have you make ads to promote your business or blog,you do not need that on Pinterest. Even though,they have a advertising section where you promote pins-that is the photos you post on their platform,you do not need that at all.

If you remain consistent and pin regularly,you can begin to make money because most of the users on Pinterest comes there to find things to buy.

That is why 70% of Pinterest users buy from pins posted on Pinterest than any other social media networks.The average order values of sales coming from Pinterest is 50% higher than any other social media platforms.Research has it that Pinterest is the second driver of traffic to Shopify(a ecom website)

Looking at the income demographics of Pinterest users,it is a fact that 50% of users have an income or more than $50,000.10% of its users have an income of more than $125,000.

You see why you should sign up for a business account on Pinterest today.

Go to and start making use of this powerful,money making social media platform.

Remember to follow me @stevekay and resteem this.

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