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RE: You really want to be rich? Quit your job!

in #money7 years ago

He is absolutely correct. Working for yourself is the only way to become truly wealthy. Your time is your own, you make all the rules, and your income potential is controlled by you and you alone. You don't get any of that with a traditional job. I realized that pretty much immediately after getting my first full-time job. I was miserable, and didn't stay at it very long. I knew there had to be a better way. My income has been up and down and back up again many times since then, but I've always been happy with my decision to avoid traditional employment. Doing that kind of thing sounds like torture to me now. Self-employment all the way!

I don't take orders well, either, and hate it when people tell me what to do, so any traditional job I've had, part-time or otherwise, I was always thinking, "Who are you to tell me what to do?" I get resentful of it really quickly. Authority, rules....I prefer to be my own and make my own. Entrepreneurship gives that to you. :)