
I guess the next good crypto coin investment will be the one who comes up with an internet alternative or plan B if you will.

Toast. So, let's hope they don't or can't do it. (btw, just by spreading info like this we can dramatically slow them down with their plans. I've been told numerous articles I have written exposing their plans has made them have to change their plans) ;)

Wasn’t this discussed at Anarchapulco? Crypto balances would still exist just be temporarily inaccessible until sufficient mesh internet or somesuch gets going. (Hope some expert chimes in here with the right terminology before I make a complete idiot of myself.)
Of course, what it would be worth is another issue. As you’ve said before, could be a million dollars, could be nothin’.

That was my first thought as well!

Toasted - along with the entire global economy. That would be a very dangerous and the results would be very unpredictable. I believe 'they' only 'do' anything massive when they know how to control the outcome... killing the net and the fallout is not something they would be able to control, thus, a highly unlikely event.
(Unless 'they' want complete chaos to have martial law and an excuse for the economy to vapourize).