I will continue to flag these posts as my conscience will not permit me to actively support an individual that has and continues to scam people out of money. New victims have surfaced, educate yourself: https://liberty.me/discuss/t/jeff-berwick-and-tdv-immigration/
And stop upvoting a scam artist.
Jeff Berwick doesn't reply anymore to people in this Steemit community. His latest victim Rich Meister who is a client of Berwick and TDV Immigration has been trying to contact his company but it appears that the phone numbers from the TDV website don't work and there's no address. Berwick in response has blocked Rich Meister on Facebook. Is this the kind of person who deserves rewards? Rich Meister has appeared here now as @rich-meister so ask him directly about his experience.
Here's another person who has been scammed from Jeff Berwick and it's from the link above:
"Amr Sum January 1, 2017 at 11:47 am
I’m victim as well. By today I closed three years with TDV unsuccessfuly, since year and half no news from Chris Martin. I have paid around 35k USD."
For reals?
and he still gets upvotes?
As i said, contact the victims directly. Educate yourself.
it's outrageous.