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RE: Putin Prepares for Nuclear War Just Week After Germany Prepares for Attack

in #money8 years ago

If you really believe in this "Armageddon" (3rd world war) - you need to go for food supplies and easy liquidity and not for gold and silver. This will be a burden to have. Better choose a country outside of your "Armageddon" zone that will provide you the resources to survive. And you need to be mobile, agile, etc. How will you carry around your gold and silver?
@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!


Gold bugs eat gold and silver. That's why they are called gold bugs.

Армагеддона не будет.

Plans last until first contact with the enemy, as they say.

No one will know exactly how this will play out, and which preps are appropriate and which are unhelpful.

Hard to see how having more options & tools available is a bad thing. Just don't be attached to your possessions, realize they are just tools.

One of your best preps is to understand that a lot of what we "know", just ain't so. Be willing to ditch errors in assumptions.

Once things go down, it will be too late to call a "time out" and ask for more time.

I can't image someone in trouble regretting have too much gold/ silver. History shows that these tools have been used successfully to get yourself out of trouble.