
I don't know your situation, but I have thought about what I would do.

I would find some amazing artisan leather workers and have them make truly high quality handbags and messenger bags. Here is a link to what I am talking about.

The cost of the bags plus shipping to America/Western Europe would have to leave you a nice margin. After you get a few bags that are really well designed and looking great, hire a professional to take beautiful photos of them. Also, maybe a good looking model in a nice setting with the bag.

Then use those photos and promote your products! Etsy, eBay, anywhere else. Make your brand. Build a business that will make you rich!

If that is too much, you seem like you are fluent in English, so you can always be a virtual assistant or write articles for websites. :D

Great idea. My passion is writing and I am currently earning a not-so-bad income from it. Write e-books as a ghost writer. I even self-published my own book but it hasn't sold much copies. I really want to use my writing skill to earn better but having a hard time finding better paying clients. Nonetheless, I am striving for better. Thank you so much for taking out the time to think and suggest me a great idea. :D

About what are you currently getting per article?

I am getting about $7 per 1000 words which isn't great. I have had clients who paid me $15/1000 words too but they didn't give regular work. This $7 one is offering me regular work and is great to work with but the rate is too low especially when I have to manage the household on my income solely.

Shoot, that sucks. Check out my website and see if you would like to write about money, philosophy, personal finance and the like. I can pay better than what you are getting. I have lots of article ideas and not enough time to write them!

You are too kind. Thank you so much :) Can't tell you how happy I am feeling right now. Went through your website. It is really nice. I have written on personal finance and money but I am quite good at writing about success, motivation, positivity, contentment and the many topics discussed under your philosophy section. So how about I write for such topics for you. Here's my email address:
If you want to talk on steemit chat or discord, please let me know. Thank you so much for giving me time :)