why i decided to sell all of my bitcoin

in #money8 years ago

hello everybody

I'm going to talk a little bit about why i decided to sell all of my bitcoin and all of my dogecoin and by - I did this so back in March I think it's smart. It was March fifth I made the decision. I just kind of didn't really like we're bitcoin was going and just started to look for another cryptocurrency and what happened was

I was looking at the daily decrypt so Amanda she was talking about. And I knew that, was around

it started off as dark coin and I knew what the attraction was too dark coin, because it had the the dark sand anonymous for me. I mean it was interesting but it was that wasn't that big of a deal, and I own some Bitcoin

I also goes coin and I was pretty happy with that. I like that going because bitcoin was you know the established coin and when i sold my bitcoin on my dollar coin had a few thousand dollars worth of bitcoin and a few hundred dollars with the dishand so yeah. I've felt that you know little little little bit of diversification and so you know i went ahead and and just wet with - because of you know I saw that you know this is a really good coin

I not a lot of people know about it, you know I think the ashes really it's the best deal right now as far as foreign currencies go, you know when you look at the way it's set up. I it's just really built to succeed and you know when I first got into crypto the whole thing with the darks and you know it was all right you know for me I mean I you know I can see

wanting to to have that feature but to me

I was thinking well you know it when crypto currency becomes widely accepted and let's say Amazon starts taking the cryptocurrency. You have an account of amazon they know what you're buying, they know what you buy it. With I mean it did just kind of seemed to me like okay if you're buying stuff off amazon they track all your purchases, they know everything that you bought and what have you so to me. It just you know whatever websiteyou're you're dealing with. Unless you're just you know walking into a store and you know fine fine stuff with - that way. You know then you can say okay it

It's anonymous or if you're you know sending money to somebody but anytime you're dealing with any kind of online retailer have to have an account, and so if you have an account you know they pretty much know everything, that you're doing you know , so for that reason the dark send that did not attract me that much

for me that is not the biggest reason.

I'm not saying this like this is not investment advice

I'm just telling you why i got - and anybody who's reading this if you want to look into . I would highly recommend you look into it and make a decision for yourself but this is why i decided to get it. When i heard about the fact , they have a tutor network with the masternodes that handle some of the responsibility of the transactions and especially the fact. They were getting paid  you have the master notes that are getting paid on my bitcoin the miners get everything and so over time. You know the amount of nodes that they have decrease whereas with that it's the opposite and so with it strengthens the network also the fact. 

You have a situation where part of the mining reward is used to fun at the network to which. I don't know of any other point that does that, maybe a theory and doesn't, and I'm not an expert on the etherium. But i don't know of any other point that does that right now according to play market catheter 650 currencies so maybe there is a currency that does that. But if there is , I don't know of anything doesn't. I think that is really really important that that does, that and the other thing is instant acts. You know if you're going to do retail transactions, need to be locked in immediately and with instant x which is now instant set. It's so - is just really it's it's built to succeed

I think I mean as a retail currency currency that's good for retail having right now josh is way way undervalued

and once the word gets out

I think this is a currency that's going to take off. .Icould see it being worth hundreds of dollars, ,because you're not a lot of that I mean right now there's a almost 26 million six hundred almost it's you know you can see what it is right there so

you know yeah just a currency that is really going to in my opinion the be one of the top currencies

I i think it's going to be one of the top three for currencies in the very near futureand so this is why i just sold so long i do is cry sold all my bitcoin

I mean, it's really unfortunate, because I really didn't want to sell my daughters . I really kind of liked those coins and  i like the community. But unfortunately you know they don't have any money to do anything and they really have no money to do anything. I mean i remember back when those quite was hot. I mean even max keiser was saying you're after was going in your portfolio. I think he listed bitcoin-litecoin jose Corrine and I think even mentioned our course

I think that was the other coin, he mentioned but that was back in you know early 2014. And so it was hot and you know the sponsor the NASCAR that was a big deal. They got a lot of publicity for it and is kind of unfortunate because - is not accepted by a lot of retailers dogecoin by comparison. Thereare actually a lot of retail.T here are hundreds of retailers right now that  except, and - doesn't have, and so it is, and something that we need to rectify with there's something . I think that you know we might be able to do to kind of

move that head but really  it's just the kind of talk about why I think - is a really good coin. why I

got into it and if you look at the historical chart here. You look at dogecoin dogecoin 29 million dollars, and that was back in april of 2014 and then you go now and you can do is going now

I mean it's been two years no more than two years and get the look at the market cap and look at the value of it

it's basically going nowhere

it's a little lower them

what it was but you know when you look at you know - was number 20 and this is a April 2014's number 20 you could have picked up - sex / - and the market cap was just 2.2 million and now look at the market cap of - it is almost 49 million dollarr. It's come down a little bit

It was in the fifties but it's a 40 million right now so you know that

that's why is really impressive to me because they have money to do things

I mean probably the thing that made me get rid of my Jewish coin was the realization. It really isn't going to go anywhere. When I think his name is metallic burger in the guy who invented etherium. He invited dogecoin community says hey  you can integrate a currency for etherium, and I contacted the lead developer for douche on the developer reddit .He basically said in a very nice way, then you know he wasn't going to do it. Because it was just too much work and I can't blame him for that. It was a lot of work  just getting paid for us 

if something like that happened with the- community we would have found some developers and pay them from the block shape. So we would have been able to get it done but they're not going to be able to get it done and at that point. I realized there was a golden opportunity for those going to actually be worth something because the theory of hot right. But it just wasn't going to happen .So at that point I said you know I can hold these few hundred dollars in the windows coin or I could just buy - and according with some real potential

I'm not knocking dojos I mean it exists

it is what it is

it's something to just play around with on red, ok and that's fine there's nothing wrong with that. But i  just want more out of out of an investment. So i went with - and bitcoin. I just think that she has more upside the head  at least in the near future

I think it has more upside and I just like the way it's set up. It's just makes so much sense and I wish I thought about it earlier. I'm really thankful that man discovered it on the DVD crypt that was a show that. I like to

watchand she brought up. I started looking into it, wow this this is really good so anyway arm

I just wanted to kind of talk a little bit about why i decided to choose - and if there's anybody out there who was

thinking about it. I yes Carly improve you to look into it - - check it out  because i think you're probably

going to like probably like what you find so anyway that's it

I am out


When BTC reaches $1,050 later this fall I will sell. When it falls back down between $800 - $900 a month or two later, I will buy back and then some. Not giving advice, just saying what I am doing.