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RE: Is Universal Basic Income A Good Idea?

in #money8 years ago

Great post @luzcypher. As a note, Finland is doing a larger scale "trial" on UBI. Can't remember if it started or will start soon.

As you write, most people against UBI sais people will be lazy and they will just go for the freebies. But UBI is just the same thing we do today, with food coupons or medicare or whatever type of welfare system the country has for the poor.

The UBI is just the "base" for everyone, and will give everyone the opportunity to spring board of from where they may be because of where they where born. A person growing up in a poor family will not have the same opportunity in life as a person growing up in the middle class. Sure, there are people that have luck on their side, but the majority will be neglected no mater how hard they try in life and will end up on the poor side of society.

Simply put, a junkie on the street with some cash in his pocket is better for a society than a broke one and far less likely to resort to crime. One way or another, we as a society are paying for it.

Just adding up the subsidies will make UBI a good thing, but add the cost of crime and other poor people shit and it will pay itself of over and over. Sure, it's not a way to eliminate crime, but a guy with money in his pockets or food for the day will not rob someone for money.

At the same time, the money spent is money going back to the welfare system trough taxes, they will benefit companies (which pay taxes) and give more people work and less dependent on UBI.

Can't see the downside of UBI, honestly :)


I can't see the downside either. We are already spending the money, this is just more direct.

As far as people getting lazy, there is no evidence to support that and plenty of evidence that disproves it. Most would use it as a springboard to a better future.

My view is that those who say people would just laze around doing nothing and have no ambition are actually telling us more about themselves than others.