Can I Really Make Money Online

in #money7 years ago

You certainly can! You can also make money by

investing wisely or working a 9 to 5 job, or starting a


Play along with me for a minute.

Let’s just say that you stumbled across a message

hidden in a book in the attic of your grandmother’s

house that tells you about a treasure chest filled with

gold and precious gems valued at over $1,000,000.

Now, the message tells you that this treasure is buried

under a rock, three yards north of an apple tree, in an

orchard, behind an old gray barn, a half mile west of a

big white house, on a dirt road, five miles east of

Anytown in Anystate in Anycountry.

You have never been to Anycountry. You have never

been to Anystate. You have no idea where Anytown is,

let alone finding a big white house, a barn, an orchard

etc. But you know that Grandma never lied, right? So

it’s really out there.

How quickly would you buy a map?

How fast would it take you to gas up the car or buy a

plane ticket?

How would you come up with the time or money to

make the trip?

You see, it’s all about commitment and belief. You

believe Grandma and you’re committed to finding the

treasure chest!

The Internet has provided us with a treasure trove

of opportunity. Taking the journey, however, requires

that kind of commitment and belief.

Possibilities abound out there in cyberspace just

waiting for you.

Yeah, but . . . ? Do you suppose that Bill Gates

succumbed to the “yeah buts.?” Where would we

all be if he had?

Before you even think about a business.

Before you start toying with domain names.

Before you rush to point and click to buy a web site.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do I believe the treasure chest is out there?

Am I willing to focus, commit and do whatever

it takes to find it?

If you answered yes to these two questions, you’re

ready and I wish you Godspeed!


There are bunch of ways to make money on the Internet. In my opinion, your own site or business is the only one best! You can do it with blockchain technologies