Always good to know an accountant! I agree with your investing tips. I have been a professional investor for more than twenty years. One day I just decided to quit what I was doing and see if I could make money by investing and much to my surprise I could. I haven't written any investment posts, I've never really given any thought to what I do or how I do it. I've read a lot of books on economics and such. When I first started it was the dot-com boom times, so I was lucky to start at the right time. Since 2008 I don't make as much anymore but I get by. The best investment I ever made was to buy a cheap house here in Baltimore and fix it up. I was a real estate agent for a few years but never made anything at that. It only was good for me knowing what to do when it came to buying my own house.
I used to live in what I sometimes call "West West Texas". New Mexico- one of the poorest states in the Union. I now live in Maryland, which now has the highest per capita income of any state. It's a lot easier financially living in a rich state than a poor state. For example, we never buy new clothing. What people give away to thrift stores here in Maryland would cost a decent amount of money in other states. There are still thousands of abandoned houses in Baltimore, they are cheap and Baltimore is a nice city!
I've been to Baltimore, and indeed, it's a great city to visit. I'm in Texas now, so I don't venture out to the east coast too often but there is a reason why so many people live by the Atlantic seaboard... glad to hear that you are doing well with your investments. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and the kind words!