Come Trade Stocks With Me! Get A Free Share Of Stock!

in #money7 years ago

Come Trade Stocks with me on Robinhood App! Use my link and we will both receive one free share of stock!

Portfolio - $78 85 _ Robinhood.jpg

I already have a nice list of stocks I am constantly watching, the Watchlist works great.

Here are my current stock picks and current holdings on Robinhood!
Account _ Robinhood.jpg

Looking to pick up some Ur-Energy again and holding for a few months. I have a feeling this stock is going to be really popular leading up to Christmas. If you notice, I have focused my investments on Uranium and other vital rare earth minerals.

URG - $0 8536 _ Robinhood.jpg

Over the next few months I am going to increase my holdings in Westwater Resources. The end goal being that I have a healthy portfolio on Robinhood of rare earth minerals.

WWR - $0 1781 _ Robinhood.jpg

It is a fun platform to learn trading and really get your toes wet if you have zero experience playing around on the stock market. With that being said, I also have a 401k and 403 that is professionally managed so my use of the Robinhood app is mostly for entertainment purposes. If I turn a profit, great, if I fail, it was a great learning experience.

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