No, my job is not who I am!

in #money7 years ago

No, my job is not who I am!

Yesterday there was a news article in one off our dutch national television stations about the fact that our relations with our jobs is changing. The stated that more and more people ask from there job more than only a good payment.


I think they want to tel the story that we as workers are identifying our selfs true the job. So “Hey I’m John Doe and a car mechanic”. Butt when they started to talk to people also the topics of work happiness and purposes where talk about.

They did also told that a school here is starting a class for future HR staff members. I’n these classes the are going to learn witch stuff is importend for the future work fors, with in mind the above given topics.

But I was missing two very importend thought on this article. One, will we as society have still a need of a large work force in the future and two, yes happiness and purpose with the job ar important, but the completely discarded the fact that we work for money!

I think it’s not white to infest in big changes to the future of HR staff members. Robots, computers and algorithms don’t need them! Lets face the truth, every job will be out sourced to non human workers. It’s fare more important to think and work to solving the large social changes this wil bring to our society’s.

And the second fact, yes a job can be as for filling or make as happy as we can by. Butt we take up the job because of the need of money. If we don’t need the money, there wil be fare less people willing to work!

I’m curious what your opinion is on this topic.

Greetings, Ramaisdrama