A Full-time Stock Traders first post on Steemit

in #money8 years ago

Hey everyone, my name is Luc. I'm a full time trader (I trade big names, and small caps, options, penny stocks, and of course crypto currencies) basically I trade everything that moves. I quit working over 10years ago, to trade fulltime from home, in my awesome homemade office. This was the best decision I have ever made. I sleep in till 9am every morning and then stumble into the office and power up my computers and start making money :) Tomorrow I'm planning to start writing a blog about my process and how you can also make money trading. Its really not that difficult. Tomorrows blog will be entitled "How I $300 into $50,000 in one year trading Crypto Currency"

There are so many advantages to trading Crypto. Its one of the easiest markets to trade and you don't even need much money to start. You could even start with $10... I started a year ago with $300 and its just been a great ride up ever since. A lot of people make trading more difficult than it has to be. I just keep it simple.

Since this is my first post and Im completely new to Steemit, im not sure how the feedback thing works. But If this subject interests you, please Like it or Upvote it .. And watch my blog here, so you can trade along with me..

Ok, its noon and I better get back to trading...


I really like your style and your vib. I cant wait to learn more from your posts.

Thanks for the comment.. Yeah, I love trading, and I am always helping my fellow traders. There's so much potential in Cryptoland, let's all grow our accounts together.

It took me a few hours to read every comment you have ever posted on Steemit and I am now so confident about your method, that it has answered all my newbie questions I ever had.

Along the way, I also learned about your alergies, double vision, 10k red day, accident :( your computer set up etc etc.

I am thankful for your kindness and showing your methods without any hidden agenda. As I write this there are literally tears flowing through my eyes, because the last few hours have made me know your life, your never say die attitude and relentless helping of strangers like us.

I hope you have enough time in future to draw more cartoons and spend more time with your family & friends.

I am so happy that I found this first ever steemit post of yours. You always had good intention to help everyone without any monetary gains in return.

May God Bless You :)

Wow I cannot believe you took so much time out to read everything on my blog. Im glad that my efforts reached you and thank you for the kind words. You said I "help everyone without any monetary gains in return" and while this it is true, that I don't charge anything for my time, I am richly rewarded.

The money you can make trading is beyond what you would imagine. I feel bad for those sketchy "trading gurus" that charge people money for there courses, and use that to pad there pockets. If they would just learn to trade, small accounts snowball into large accounts so fast. With this much opportunity, why would anyone waste time selling courses.

I love trading, and I feel like a kid, everyday getting to play in the markets and enjoy a stress free life. (while so many are stuck going to work doing real jobs) Thats why I share my experience, so that others can see what is possible, and the icing on the cake is, its even easy.

Thanks once again for doing what you are doing to strangers like us. Keep on the good Karma, enjoy your trading day ahead :)

I have the same feeling,tears in my eye..appereciate luc share his methods and..I am not so good at english..then,with all your words.

May God Bless luc.

Luc I know you for only one week, this all is new for me, LOVE it so far. There is nothing in this world that I spent so much hour in trying to learn in such a short amount of time, and it's only few days... I hardly sleep :) I'm everywhere slack,discord,forum...
I really need a financially breakthrough after struggling for 9 years. It comes to the point that I was willing to risk my last $500 saved on anything just to give me hope. Than a pure stranger saved me a bad investment. I quote:
"for good resources, check QuickFingerLuc videos on youtube, it’s free and the best advices you’ll get"
Intrigued I visited your channel. Even if I find hard to trust somebody, and that I had a friend who struggled with trading for the last 10 years (so I practically excluded trading as an option). Funny enough he made a living selling his courses about trading, but had no success in actually trading. With you it clicked after just few videos. It might sound strange, but I really feel that this is my path to financial freedom. That I too can finally make it. I'm sure we will be in touch.
I can't find words to really thank you enough. Even if I don't make it, I will always have a deep respect and appreciation for you. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Hey Core,
Trading has changed my life, as Im sure you know.. Im glad you found me and I wish you all the best. Its true that there are many many snake oil salesmen out there... Everyone seems to have an angle, the crazy thing is, if they just took a few days to figure out how to trade, then they wouldnt have to peddle useless courses.. There is plenty of money for anyone willing to just figure out what really happens behind the trading curtain. And best of all its quite easy, after you get the hang of it.. Theres a little under the radar exchange that I just signed up for last week (to try out) and I sent a few ETH over there.. and within my first few days, I doubled my account.. So although I like the exchange (and I havnt told anyone about them) I dont think I will ever send any more deposits over because the account is already growing so rapidly, just with the little I sent already... And thats what I mean, you just figure out how to trade and you dont really even need much to start.. Even better is if you start small you really grow fast, because small amounts are sooo easy to double and tripple in no time..

Look forward to reading your trading articles

Hey, thanks for the reply. Please check back ill try to get out a few posts with videos next week.

I've been a buy and hold guy, but after hearing your explanation I may try to dive in and learn trading on cryptos. Just wondering if you have been trading any of the mining companies recently, due to the volatility.

Hey, that's something ill have to look into.. can you provide some tickers for the mining companies your referring to.. Ill also try to find some charts on them.. but good idea :)

I don't really trade, at least not yet. I like the Sprott Mining ETFs. You can look into what specific companies they hold on their website I believe. www.sprottetfs.com. I know they move like crazy and are extremely volatile as a sector. Probably second in volatility as a sector only to crytos.

Hi there Luc

I have joined SteemIt thanks to you and your kind selfless teaching. I hope to take everything in and do as well as I can.

I am however trying something rather bizarre. I am going to try build an account from scratch by putting no money in to it and only using faucets.

Thanks again for you help and assistance through Youtube videos and taking time to come here and answer questions.

Cheers Paul

I’ve decided that you are the person I am going to follow in my crypto journey. For the next couple hours I plan on reading everyone of your post. Love your vibe!

Hey Luc,

I love your content. Your blog is educational and inspiring. I been studying and watching your videos. They have been extremely helpful. I am going to start trading this week. Keep up with the amazing work!

Hi Luc,

I'm a couple of steps into my trading journey, and the next one begins here.

I noticed someone (Cryptohunter007 if you're here, thanks) on the Hitbtc Trollbox having sensible and measured conversation (weird). I'm completely new to this and he told me he learned to trade by watching you and I should do the same. I've watched a few videos and my jaw literally dropped; it was perfect.

like the person commenting above, I'm now Going to walk through every video and comment to help me on my journey.

keep up the great work.