I regard myself as a what I call Flexo-vegetarian. I reduce my meat consumption as much as possible, but I dont prohibit it for myself in General.
I am exercising in Not wanting so much of this stuff, this is a dar more positive approach .
In General I D say, when you are a carnivore, you have to accept the possebility of a violent death since you are causing ones for your self. Id Look at it on a Kind of karmatic Way, the choice is yours.
We live in Times where we don't need meat anymore. Back then we wouldnt have evolved so fast as humans when we hadnt eaten it, but now we live in a Food abundance with comfortably lives.
Industrial meat Produktion means Industrial killing means Industrial suffering. I wish we overcome this One day.
Thank you for Sharing this, this encourages me, to have less appetite for meat. I wish you the best!
Then according to this lions, wolves and every carnivore animal has bad karma? Eating for being hungry is natural. And that different species are predatory to each other is also something natural ... killing for fun, it is something else.
Industrial production in general is killing everything. I also wish we can overcome this one day.
This is not true as a fact (sorry to say) because it depends of where do u live and what conditions do you have for living.
I am doing the same with everything. I think is the best to do at the momment and the only we can do as individuals.
Thanks for the comment and stop by. Wish u the best to you too.
Thx for ur reply too
Well I say that wolves and lions are purely carnivores. We humans are omnivores that gives us a Moral Obligation to choose what is best ( Not only in matter of Taste ofc😂)
I get your Point of nescessity when I Look to Inuit people or smth like them , tho.
But this doesn't apply on the Northern/ mid European hemisphere where I am living in.
hmmm but you can not decide what is right or wrong and demmand the people to do something just because is how it is in Northern/ mid European hemisphere ... this is wrong in so many ways sorry to say.
You are right! I am Not to tell anyone what to eat. It is a matter of Personal developement. Most people who eat meat havent been in a slaugterhouse or even had the necitty to Kill their own Food as Well. I bet many people would stop eating meat when they have to Look those creatures in the Eye and Take it's Life for themselves.
But ljke in every case, the only Way to teach people effektive is to be a rolemodel. To Point Finger and condem has never been working for real
I do not see people complaining because of USA and NATO killing kids in the middle east... oh yes, they do but no one care (the people who made money with the wars) same happens with everything else...
Btw you are appealing to the emotions to not do something and that from my point of view is a mistake. You must use reason and think ... we are in a time when we can look for information and think for ourselves. In this way you are doing the same thing that the big television and news networks do. It is not something rational and the human being is an animal, first of all, rational.
My family was from peasants and my grandfather was a butcher so I learned since I was a child to kill animals to feed myself and feed my family. If a lot of people knew how to do that what you said the industry would not be needed ... but because people are lazy and vague and prefer to have big super markets (yes, even vegans) the big monopolies take advantage of it.