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RE: Let's add STEEMIT to POLONIEX! Please fill out the Poloniex Coin Request

in #money9 years ago (edited)

+Actually they don't really consider request volume. Here's a chat with OldManKidd, senior Poloniex mod and part-time support guy:

[17:27:49] <PFunk> Hey if you're around, I think you said way back when that Poloniex doesn't really consider the volume of coin requests, and a lot of them could actually be counter-productive. Is that the case?

[17:28:32] <OldManKidd> yes and correct it is not voting

[17:28:51] <OldManKidd> how many requests for a coin does not influence the decision

[17:29:06] <PFunk> Ok, thanks for clarifying!


it's still not bad to flood them with requests. steem has to be present

Without Volume Poloniex would not make any money and go broke.

Volume meaning the number of requests they receive for a particular token.