Do You Want To Be Rich?

in #money5 years ago (edited)

Do You Want To Be Rich?

Of course, I want to be rich. Stupid question.

Have you heard of get rich quick? I am sure you have. We all think they don’t work because people say they don’t work. That’s because of things like pyramid schemes, Ponzi and MLM (multi-level marketing) but those are not get rich quick schemes they are scams. Don’t confuse MLM with legitimate businesses models that also use top-down sales. For example Amway, Avon or Tupperware and many more.

These are pretty easy to avoid basically if you haven’t heard of a company and either you can’t find anything about it online or reviews are mostly bad with a few glowing reviews (usually written in pretty poor English and sound a little too good to be true) then don’t get involved. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is! This advice is as relevant today as it has always been.

There are ways to get rich pretty quickly but that would depend on your idea of quickly! There are so many ways to make money, it is almost overwhelming! Some you may have heard of, some you will have to think about and a few more you will be asking yourself ‘Can I make money doing that?’ There are literally hundreds perhaps thousands of ways to gather wealth.

Traditionally there are some common methods such as real estate, the stock market, investing in funds and bonds. Which are all very good ways to make money if you have a lot of money in the first place? In which case you probably won’t need this article.

In your opinion what is quick?

A month?

A year?

Two years?

Five years?

It all depends on what kind of person you are. Some people would say one year is quick. Some would say a month and other’s may say five years.

In my opinion, as far as a time scale is concerned I would say anything between six months and three years is quick from a financial standpoint.

How much is enough?

A million? Ten million? One hundred million? A billion? More?

Or something more humble a house, marriage, kids, car and a labrador?

No debt?

Everyone has a different aim. Mine is to be debt-free, first. After that, I will concentrate on building wealth. I am getting there, this year we paid off our car which doesn’t seem like a big deal but actually, it was as my car is only a year old so there was another five years to go on the loan. We also thought about paying off the mortgage but it was still a little too much to make financial sense. Getting rid of your debt is not always a good thing. A little more on that later.
How do you get there?

Do you really want it? People say you have to want it, you have to change your mindset to change your habits etc. I actually disagree. I think you need to change your habits to change your mindset.

I want you to think about that for a second. Change your habits to change your mindset… How is that the right way to do it? Surely you change your mindset first? You can sit and change your mindset first while you are poor and not making anything or you can start making money that then makes you change habits.

If I ask you ‘Can you be a delivery driver or an Uber driver?’ And you can’t drive a car then you will reply ‘No.’

If I asked you the same question again after you have passed your driving test then you would say ‘Yes, I could do that.’ It’s the same thing. You already have the skill set, you can drive so you can be a driver. You didn’t need to change your mindset and imagine you could drive. You learned to drive. This is exactly the same as making money. You need the skill set.

A lot of people that make money are not super-intelligent, Many rich people that were born with money are not really that intelligent, just look at some of the celebs that were born with money! Some of them would get outwitted by a microwave. But they do know how to do one thing and that is they know-how


You may hate Paris Hilton or the Kardashian’s and I am in no way implying that they deserve to be hated or that they are not intelligent because in one way they are very knowledgeable, they know how to use the skills and connections they have to generate income. You might even envy them, as a lot of people do. But love them or hate them you haven’t learned from them.
There are many ways of becoming rich or wealthy.

The first thing you have to do is study about making money. If I use the driving license analogy, again. You can’t drive a car until you have learned the rules of the road and how to operate the car itself. Making money is the same. You can’t make money if you don’t know how to.
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Against a lot of other advice out there get a job. It really is the easiest way to get some startup capital. You don’t really need a lot of money to start making money and there are some free ways to do things but you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get there and it really isn’t worth the time you have to put in not to mention all of the false starts. For example, downloading a free program rather than paying for one and it turns out the free program doesn’t do what you need it to do or you have to pay for it to work anyway.

The quickest way is to have some startup money.

If you want to start a YouTube influencer channel then you need a decent webcam and microphone. These things can be done with alternatives by using your mobile phone as the webcam and mic and yes they do work but it is a lot of hassle and downloading programs to use it as a webcam then it turns out it isn’t quite as good. Some laptops have built-in webcams and mics but the quality varies from pretty good to terrible especially with the inbuilt microphone. Of course, you can just make a movie of yourself using your phone then upload it to YouTube, again it would depend on how good your phone is. I am not an expert on making Vlogs but actually sitting at your computer is a little easier. I will be starting a trading Vlog pretty soon at the moment I am still debating on where to put it. There are other sites out there such as Instagram and TikTok to name a couple.

If you want to review products such as makeup or games then you need the ability to be able to buy the product to be able to review it. Nobody is going to give you anything for free at first.

There are other ways of financing your venture, for example, borrowing from friends and family or just asking outright if your family have money to spare.

Joining with a friend/family member as a partner that does have money available but doesn’t have the skills necessary to use that money.

A bank loan although this might be a little more difficult if you are not starting a more traditional type of business the banks haven’t seemed to have caught up with the rest of the world.

An overdraft/credit cards if they are available to you.

If none of these are available or like me you are not comfortable putting yourself in debt either with friends and family or a bank then back to the first option which is getting a regular salary. You can wait tables, work in a fast-food restaurant, walk dogs register as an Uber driver whatever it takes to make some cash for your business capital.

How much do you need? Work out the cost of startup. Don’t forget the equipment or software. If you want to be a stock day trader for example. You need a relatively decent laptop or desktop computer, a fast internet connection (No matter what others say a fast internet connection is essential). And you need your trading money a minimum of $500 on my trading system.

You are going to doubt yourself! Probably because people will tell you, you can’t do it. Don’t listen to them. They haven’t done it, that is why they are saying you can’t do it. Because they think they can’t do it. Or it can not be done. Have those people tried to become rich? NO! Have your parents? NO! Don’t get me wrong we should respect our parents but if they are working 9-5 and aren’t wealthy then their opinion on this matter is limited at best. You can do it, do you know why you can do it? Because other people have done it. That’s right! People have become influencers, professional game reviewers, make-up celebrities on YouTube, traders and hundreds of other things that your friends, parents, wife, husband, partner and peers say that can’t be done.

They can do it, why can’t you?

When I start my Vlog I will be recording a daily video diary of me trading with just $250 start-up money to prove it can be done. I do have more than $250 available. But for the meantime that is all I am willing to trade with, as my money is in other things. As time goes on and my trading starts to take off I will start adding more and more capital to the account but for right now my money is good where it is.

Thanks for reading

Paul Davids


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Outlook good

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