All countries create or issue new currencies every year. They are issuing a lot.
hmmmmm... Countries don't create money at all. All the "new money" available only in the form of a credit issue, they can only borrow them to banks, which then lend to real businesses and people, and as the economy grows and the average business makes a profit, every dollar issued is 100% guaranteed by goods and services.
I don't agree and reality don't agree with you either. More seriously you should read the number 2 post of this series to get my opinion slash facts on the matter.
But if you want to argue your point that goods and services back dollar you're always welcome to do so.
I don't know how to argue with very popular myth that states print money out of thin air ...
The government does not really "print money". Most of the money used in the monetary system appears through the process of issuing bank loans. The government is responsible for the physical appearance of banknotes and coins. This form of money exists to facilitate the use of bank accounts. They are distributed through the banking system, as bank customers need this form of money.
Perhaps the argument for you may be the fact that the US for example has a huge debt of 20 trillion dollars. If they can just print money "Out Of Nothing", where could the debt come from?
It's government that delegated most of their money or more precisely currency issuance power to many entities some of them banks through many schemes like fractional reserve banking and quantitive easing just to name those 2. At the base of which money really is created out of nothing, not my word but the exact words of Maurice Allais Nobel Prize in Economics just to name this one person. You can look at the second post of this series if you're interested to learn more.
Well, let's ask ourselves a question. What is the main function of modern fiat money and monetary policy in the economy? In my opinion, this is the stimulation of economic growth. The whole system is built for this: it is lending to businesses and consumers. So:
And this is absolutely fair! In any complex system, the division of labor is inevitable. Banks - experts of the highest level in lending, this is their main function, everything else is secondary. For this reason, the higher the rating of a bank, the cheaper it can get money on credit. The best banks receive loans at a key interest rate from the central bank (CB). Further, loans are distributed throughout the economic system, and the rate of course is growing. I, too, can take a loan, but I will not be given it at the rate of the central bank. This is fair, because there is always a risk of non-repayment of the loan. And I'm not such a reliable borrower as the best banks.
this is an excellent invention in the financial system! The best banks issue loans so well that they have a very low percentage of non-repayment, they can give out 10 times more credits and finance 10 times more businesses than they have their own funds with minimal risk of bankruptcy. This is the acceleration of progress and speed of development. Have you ever wondered why Europe has overtaken other countries for economic and technological development for centuries?))
It is absolutely robbery of the population in its pure form((( The states turned bad loans of private banks into national debt by purchasing toxic bonds, which was justified by the threat of collapse of the whole banking system, but it is very very unfair! All citizens paid for bankers' mistakes ...
yes and it's not a secret, and it's excellent!)) I do not want to pay for making money out of anything expensive, money is only a parameter in the economy, only goods and services are of real value.
Аnd of course fiat money is not for holding, they are for lending, so if you need to keep their purchasing power, they should be given to someone in debt, i.e. buy reliable bonds.
This is late but had to say you make some strong arguments for your case but honestly I think you should of just stopped at " my opinion"