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RE: Trillionaire Rothschild Warns His Own Central Banking System Is Failing and Buys Gold

in #money8 years ago (edited)

The Rothschild family puts more money into humanitarian causes than all the money in crypto probably. So while some individuals may like to bash them, the fact of the matter is they have probably done more for the well-being of people in need than most could ever dream of. The 'lynch mob' mentality is immature, as society reflects the state of being of the majority, not just a few. I have heard all the stories of elites controlling this and that, but at the end of the day each and every one of us controls our own lives. Sure these elitist groups might plan wars and profit, but everything has two sides. Without death and destruction life cannot move forward. This is how it has been and continues to be. I accept that and know that society changes gradually over decades and centuries. So next time you look for a witch to hunt ask yourself: would I rather be living right now, or 100 years ago or 50 years ago? Living standards are betters now for most, so too is education, the list goes on. The system has given rise to many things that are truly miraculous and truly disgusting. But life is about balance. There will always be a balance of good and bad in the word. I prefer to focus on the positive things I can see.


Claiming that there would be no progress without wars and debt slavery is absurd.
you sound like one of their freemason little helpers.
the reason me and many others got into bitcoin is exactly to escape their rigged central banks system.
they evaded trillions then with their central banks pushed us into debt slavery and high taxes but we should admire them cos they give a few millions to "charity"?....charities which then they use to further their goals (like in Syria which they aim to control next).
as you say we should focus on what we can do with our lives, and getting out of their crony system of controlled central banks, politicians and media is what we should focus on. if through cypto we create a system which only rewards good there will be a lot more good than bad in the world.

Of course slavery is necessary, it built and maintains the whole system we live within. So its a fact. What is also a fact is that less people are slaves in many ways than a few decades ago or a century. So be grateful. Stop playing the name and blame game. Have some fortitude and take responsibility for your life. Crypto is a great positive way to progress, of course. I never said it wasn't. There is no such thing as debt, that is for the banks not me. I have never and will never be in debt. If you have debt that you cant pay its your fault not the banks. They just offer a service. In time machine will automate nearly all aspects of human life until slavery almost entirely disappears. So all the death and destruction will be worth it. It is nature, a natural force that shapes the world, not just a few humans. Without destruction there can be no creation. Nature IS human society, so it is perfect.

Upvoted as it is an opinion and did not deserve a flag

Be they good or evil is irrelevant. The system we think can never fail our golden age standard of living can fail. People everywhere know something is wrong and there will be very little confidence in any fiat currency. Very little confidence = very little value. Gold could be $5000 per ounce and still be a great buy to preserve against negative interest snd hyperinflation

To admit not having confidence in something is to admit to having low self-esteem and low confidence in myself. The world exists inside my imagination. Its me. So to blame and name something as bad 'out there' is really to say I feel bad about myself. I prefer to not do this and accept that I feel great right now. Because I do feel great right now and know that any negative information I may hear is just a fun story for my entertainment. Its either that or feel bad about imaginary information. I know which I always pick :)

I'm another character created by your subconscious mind. It's pointless to write your thoughts in a blockchain and tatoo your account name on your hand. I'm creating that goddamn blockchain and that goddamn hand too. You won't remember it tomorrow. Now easy, and come take your blue pill.

hahaha funny :)

Money is just money, no one owns it, what matters is what it is spent on, and a lot of rich peoples money goes to help people who need it on a massive scale. 100's of Billions. Maybe even trillions. All I got from your reply was negative reason after negative reason for why its all bad, while ignoring the good it actually does.

money is best when it is free, only a story says they stole it, and only such a story is believed and taken seriously by people who have a fear of money and are angry they don't have more, just like the people they complain about...oh wait they are you hahaha its a reflection of your own state of being if you take it to e real. Really when we use money and don't share we steal from each other anyway. Humans have not learned to share our toys like good little children, so they took the long route of perfecting machines to do the job for us, its all really very funny indeed :)