1916 to 1964 Dime = $1.1893
1916 to 1964 Quarter = $2.9731
1916 to 1964 Half Dollar = $5.9463
1878 to 1935 $12.716
These prices make it easy for everyone to hold a little silver. All information from http://coinapps.com/silver/coin/calculator/
1916 to 1964 Dime = $1.1893
1916 to 1964 Quarter = $2.9731
1916 to 1964 Half Dollar = $5.9463
1878 to 1935 $12.716
These prices make it easy for everyone to hold a little silver. All information from http://coinapps.com/silver/coin/calculator/
silver is down :( wish they would stop artificially manipulating the price... Undervalued.
Nothing we can do about the manipulation. It will have to end sooner or later. Until then I just keep buying it and stacking! It will pay off.