! earn unlimited ruble

in #money7 years ago ! earn unlimited ruble
images (15).jpg

  1. Buy tea bushes in «the Store»
  2. Plant them on «the Playing field»
  3. Collect tea after a little while (at your convenience) and the administration will buy the collected tea back.
  4. Receive funds to your e-wallets or buy
    bushes again in the Store.
    To buy a tea bush, you should replenish the game balance .1 RUB = 100 coins

Interesting and thanks for sharing. How does the site make money?

Does it mean that one has to invest from elsewhere in order to buy tea bushes from the store?
Anyway, if that is the case then expect to one day wake up to find the site gone with your investment in tea bushes. Sounds more like a scam site.