How to attract wealth? Phrase of the day #5

in #money7 years ago

"A business can be started with very little money"Richard Branson

WOOOOOW!!! What do you think about this phrase by well known millionaire #RichardBranson?

Do you agree?

Is it true?

Have you done it?

But more important... have you tried it?

Do you believe that a lemonade kiosk is a business? How much money do little kids need for it to work? Can it be a stable or sustainable #business?

Captura de pantalla 2018-05-22 a la(s) 22.23.43.jpg

What is important about this phrase is the depth that it has within it. Any one can create a business only with the work of their hands or mind. Ex If you work at nights on weekends as a nanny, you are only investing your time and change money for transport, what happens if after a few weeks you call your cousin and tell her to babysit another kid and what you offer is the stability of having babysitting money all weekends even if she is actually babysitting or not (you have to do marketing for having her babysitting while you collect a fee for you to protect yourself for the days she isn't) but if you do some background check, verified address and reference or additional studies - like first aids - for your workers (now you called all your cousins and have 10 of them working in your babysitting business) you can collect an extra fee to all the parents for a "safer" babysitting service.
This is an example of how you can start a business with little money... so do you agree or not?

Remember... #DYOR and always, always, always use stop/loss!!!

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