@furious-one hello 👋 sir,, very good news,, On Friday, in the Baltic States Samsung store, they announced they would accept seven different cryptosurwinds for the purchase of their company's products, through a partnership with the Payment Processing Fact Copier, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius and Kansas every store in any of Samsung's stores. The products can buy with cryptocurrency, these cryptocurrencys are there,,, But I think if sumsong begins accepting cryptocurrency. So it is very happy news for us. Sumsong is such a big company.But I think if sumsong begins accepting cryptocurrency. So it is very happy news for us. Sumsong is such a big company.
Your comment is total nonsense yet you upvote it to the top? Ouch
@furious-one sir,, Sir, I commented on that. It's true sir. Why do you say nonsense ???
Apparently you didnt even bother to read the post i wrote, and instead of upvoting you wrote a nonsense comment and upvoted that. Don't make me angry!