I like the Startup studio concept. I particularly like the idea of an investor-led startup studio. I think that investor-led startup studios may be how the venture capital community saves itself from oblivion.
What do I mean by that?
Well, I think there is a void in the market for a full stack organization encompassing a seed fund, venture capital fund, entrepreneurs and engineers in residence, recruitment, and a full startup studio team.
Who would they serve?
Well, I believe a full stack investor-led startup studio would (and should) have two primary markets:
Corporate startups. Established enterprises often are not able to get new ideas off the drawing board and into reality. The full stack startup studio would allow these enterprises to outsource their startup projects and have them prosecuted by a team of startup experts.
Solopreneurs (solo founders). Solopreneurs would be able to avoid all the hassle involved with finding a co-founder just to please an angel or VC. The full stack startup studio is the solopreneur's co-founding team, and for the cost of 30-50% of equity, the solopreneur gets to avoid the many nefarious elements out there masquerading as potential co-founders.
The full stack startup studio is indeed a solopreneur's best friend! Much the same like a film studio is a screenwriter's best friend.
Where can they be found?
The standard varieties of startup studios are mostly found in North America and Western Europe at present.
However, the word is that there are several full stack investor startup studios in the works over in the APAC and ASEAN regions. If this is true, it may well enable these regions to get the jump on the west with regards to startup proliferation.
I believe that South Korea is home to one or two of them, apparently they are looking to attract foreign entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. I also believe that the PRC has a similar policy in that regard
I believe the future is bright for the full stack investor-led startup studio. I believe that 30-40% equity will be the sweet spot where most solopreneurs would be willing to partner with a startup studio, and lastly, they will proliferate in Asia really soon.
Have a look at the the article for a little more background on startup studios and let me know what you think?
Attribution: This content was originally published on the 24th July, 2015. https://plus.google.com/+MikeHydes/posts/CvqAaUZPCSv