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RE: The Emerging Trend Of Tip Inflation

in #money8 years ago (edited)

I have worked as a server as well as in the kitchen. I started out in the kitchen and decided to switch to the front of house because they make more money. I have also been a restaurant manager and quit to go serve because I made more money as a server. I also quit hairstyling to be a server, because it pays better than professions that require a red seal!! If you think the kitchen gets a fair share, or that your server wouldn't throw them under the bus in a heartbeat to save their own ass when they screw up, you are probably mistaken. I don't think any server deserves their tip just for being there. If they do not take care of your needs, make you feel welcome and have you leaving feeling good, then what are they there for? By tipping a bad server you are guaranteeing that they will never change/get better/ give up and go get a job they can do right....ensuring bad service forevermore. I also believe taxation is theft , so working as a server is a great way to avoid paying taxes.