Mindset bro. THAT is what IT is all about. I slept on a couch, lost everything I had. I worked in a deep freezer for years as well. I have dug ditches, joined the Army, tackled thieves, lost everything, lost businesses, lost marriages...and guess what.
Still standing. And so are YOU.
How many entrepreneurs sleep in their cars while pitching people? They DO what it takes, they won't stop. It is the mindset. you may not want to hear it, and that is up to you - I have seen this a million times.
never give up...and you will never ultimately fail..
Great comment.... That's it. You can have a fixed mindset and get stuck in life, trying to make a living, or you can have a growth mindset and understand that you are just not there yet. It is all about grit. You have to keep going.
Did you just subtly hint at the IT profession? Nevermind...I'm seeimg what I want to see.
nope :)
EVERYONE has SOMETHING they know about, are good at, or can do that others would pay them to learn.
We are all valuable.
I can't be an entrepenurer while in debt. Again you need money to make money. The most money I can make is by working at the job that pays me the most. That = 15 years of hard work to make ~20,000 extra money. Yes mindset is great when you have the resources to expend, but I have no choice but to work the same 40hour per week jobs and not increase my rate of pay significantly. Like I said I've reached out in all possible avenues over the last 9 years... Thank you for the positive comment though