In France (but the Belgian situation is very similar), the average age of access to a permanent contract increased from 20 to 27 years between 1975 and today. With the current economy, finding a job directly after graduation is increasingly rare. Many students have to wait for long months before seeing a job opportunity.
Results: young graduates are stressed, under pressure, depressed. They frantically send CVs left and right or on the contrary become discouraged and lose motivation. You have just finished your studies and this prospect angers you? Here are 10 tips to put into practice if you can not find a job.
- Stay optimistic
Do not get excited about the situation: it is normal. Keeping your morale up during your research is very important. You have succeeded in obtaining your diploma by perseverance: you will end up getting a job.
Of course, you need to spend time applying, but make sure you book at least an hour a day where you do something you really like (sport, reading, going out ...) and where you do not think about it anymore. Maintaining this "positive attitude" will help you stay on course.
Reduce your lifestyle
Since you will have no income for a period of time still unknown, you will have to reduce your expenses. For example, you can come back to live with your parents. In exchange, participate in the tasks of the house (laundry, cooking, cleaning). Set a tight budget and stick to it.Spend time maintaining your network
It is very often thanks to his entourage and the mouth-to-ear that one learns the job opportunities. Professional networking is not to be neglected during job search. Go in different directions. Here are some examples :
The Alumni circle of your university or professional organizations
Networking events, conferences and seminars
Job fairs, such as Salon Talentum References
- Go back to school
If you were thinking of doing another master "later", think about doing it now that you have finished your studies and can not find a job. In the meantime, the economy may be better.
If, on the other hand, you are looking forward to entering the workforce, do not excuse yourself to go to school just to get busy: going back to school takes money, energy and willpower.
See also: Those adults returning to school
Occupy yourself
It is often said that looking for work is a full-time job. But your life can continue anyway: register in a temp agency to do small jobs, keep your hobbies, do training ...Expand your search criteria
When you leave school, you probably have a very clear idea of the work you wanted to do. It is all your honor to stay focused on your search criteria at the beginning (sector, companies, salary, travel time) but if after several months your search has not been successful, widen them and be more open to possibilities careers. The important thing is to put a foot in the job market, even for a job food.Keep improving your skills
At each job interview or refusal of application, do not hesitate to ask the recruiter for feedback on your profile. What are the weak points of your application? What skills (soft or soft) should you improve?Do volunteer work or internships
Doing an unpaid internship in a company is a good way to make yourself known in the hope of getting a paid job. At worst, you will gain experience, a network and a line on your resume.
If you are interested in volunteering, you can also engage with an NGO. Keep in mind, however, that this requires time and commitment.
See also: What is the ideal course according to the students?
Start your business
No company can hire you but you are full of ideas and energy? If you have the fiber of the independent, take the plunge and start your own start-up. You can also become a consultant in a field where you have a lot of expertise. There are many structures in Belgium that help young people launch their business, do not hesitate to call on them!Create your blog or your website
Are you passionate about a specific topic and would you like to share that? Create a blog to write about Japanese cuisine, personal finances, badminton, trendy tips or technological gadgets. To retain your