Precious Metals Fundamentals & Strategy - Introduction

in #money8 years ago


Today I want to talk about precious metals, and why they're going to be playing a major role in the coming months and years. If you do a search online for precious metals history (gold, silver, platinum, et al) you'll get all sorts of results explaining the history of precious metals, why they are a sound investment, etc, etc.

One series I highly recommend watching is Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money. There are 7 episodes currently, each about 30 minutes, the first one you can watch here:

What few people actually explain are the straight forward fundamentals, in other words, why precious metals might be a good choice to be a part of an investment strategy and how to incorporate them into one.


In what I've seen done, strategies involving precious metals are setup in 3 major parts:

  1. Enter / Purchase Strategy
  2. Holding Period Strategy
  3. Exit / Sell Strategy

What do these means? What are some examples? I'll explain these in my next posts! Stay tuned!

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DISCLAIMER: I can only talk for myself and in my experience, what I've seen others do in terms of a precious metals strategy, and in no way am I conveying this information as advice of any kind. The information contained in this article is for informational and educational purposes only.