Why We Need A NEW President. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money5 years ago


We need a leader who will empower the people. Trickle down DOES NOT work! The US economy is driven by We The People.. consumer spending is 70% of the economy.. Negative rates and a weaker dollar DO NOTHING for you or I! But it is a windfall for the multinational corporations. If POTUS were to call for raising rates and a stronger dollar, THIS would make us stronger and the economy would follow. Have low rates helped? Our economy is failing! Lower rates and a weak dollar will exacerbate the problem.. THIS should be obvious...


It is not possible that a President can empower We the People. We the people are the only leaders that can do that.

We do not count!!!! Anymore!

It is a fact of life that individuals and communities either do for themselves, or depend on overlords. I'll do for myself, thanks!

If voting mattered they would make illegal.

Why we need a president? Because the people believes that he is the only one who is going to save the world.