The dollar demise sooner or later will start to really impact the sheeple who are totally asleep at the wheel, but for now the zombie apocalypse as you like to call it is in full effect.
btw, love the effort with the song brother, but maybe you should stick to your other talents! :)
When foreign dollar holders, release the Kraken, the dollar tsunami is going to show what dollar velocity is and what it means to price inflation. Lots of dollars eating up limited resources.
LOL Greg, I made up a rap about USD for the online trading community probably at the same time you were doing your vid! Mine went like this:
Dixie down bith, Dixie down bith
Make a dive for the ground
Make me yen for the pound
Yellen and Company
Doing Humpety Dumpety
Humpty Dollah ya so cracked up
Ya need viagra make-up
I used to buy milk with a Washington bill
Now it can't even buy a video thrill
Make me feel weak when listen to the Fed
They just waitin till the dollah is dead....
Hi Greg, after watching this video......I've come to the conclusion that you need to GET SOME SLEEP!!
Silly!!! lol keep up the GREAT job!! STEEM on. Upvoted. :C)
TVIX got up to 24 + in the afternoon, but fools decided to buy the dips towards market close.. Even those out of the market are making a big mistake by not going short or using volatility products.
Greg when has the FED ever got something right. They are late in whenever they raise or lower rates. Look at the value of the dollar since they came into existence. Lets end the FED.
The main stream are paid idiots. Its not often you get paid for actually been stupid but the main stream media is an exception.
Nice song Greg but don't give up the day job :)
You forgot to add >>> "...and if you are going to steal Joe...JUST Joe's lingo by using words like spew and saying crap like Alan Greenspam comes here to see what you have to say, at least give proper credit to Joe ....JUST Joe!" :-)
Sheeeyit...escape? Do you "honestly" think I am nutso enough to join Greg on any of his "posted" trades? There is no "escaping" that train wreck. I did offer him 10X his $10 asking price for his R.I.P. report to show me what he is doing to get his win rate up to the 7 to 1 ratio he claims though. I still think he is taking the other side of his own trades while he is spewing all of these losing trades to you...his "loyal" followers. :-) Hey, don't forget to upvote this spew by Greg...he needs the money ya know. Can't sing, can't trade, tanks goodness for all you fine folks at steemit :-)
Pretty much. :-) I just updated my take on JCP based on what happened today actually. I was "forced" to now loooower my long term minimum buy target on JCP to 2.25 from the previous 2.70. I also outline how you can determine major support/resistance areas on any stock you track using the method I outline in my blog on JCP here...
Great video Greg. As for the dollar, I think that the fall is due to more war spending/ government deficit. Therefore, they will have to print more to fund this war. I suppose the inverse would have happened if it was an other nation.
There are a lot of good people that report on the SDR and the economic collapse. There are a lot of other info too.
Jim seems to be just reading off a card everytime he is interviewed. It just seems so fake.
I would suggest ITM Trading and Mrs. Zang
I reckon we could write a script for 'Mannarino the Musical' and make it about one man's crusade to save everybody's purchasing power and to proliferate options trading.
Hell No I Am Not Happy About This ! I Want To Tear This System Down ! Forgive All Debt, Go Back To The Gold Standard, And Get Globalist Bums Out Of America, And Go Back To The US Constitution And The Bill Of Right Now !
The dollar demise sooner or later will start to really impact the sheeple who are totally asleep at the wheel, but for now the zombie apocalypse as you like to call it is in full effect.
btw, love the effort with the song brother, but maybe you should stick to your other talents! :)
La la la i am getting poorer thank lalala you F lalala E lilola la la D and you elites are getting our money lalala ooooyeaaaah
Gold is up too
When foreign dollar holders, release the Kraken, the dollar tsunami is going to show what dollar velocity is and what it means to price inflation. Lots of dollars eating up limited resources.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I skipped directly to the song!
good stuff
Thank you for the update
LOL Greg, I made up a rap about USD for the online trading community probably at the same time you were doing your vid! Mine went like this:
Dixie down bith, Dixie down bith
Make a dive for the ground
Make me yen for the pound
Yellen and Company
Doing Humpety Dumpety
Humpty Dollah ya so cracked up
Ya need viagra make-up
I used to buy milk with a Washington bill
Now it can't even buy a video thrill
Make me feel weak when listen to the Fed
They just waitin till the dollah is dead....
Dixie down bith, DXY down bith
Hi Greg, after watching this video......I've come to the conclusion that you need to GET SOME SLEEP!!
Silly!!! lol keep up the GREAT job!! STEEM on. Upvoted. :C)
Thx Greg
Awesome video greg full of knowledge and info.
sung to the tune of "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"
"The dollar gets crushed tomorrow
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
you're gonna pay!
Tomorrow, tomorrow
we'll all pay tomorrow
If Yellen would have her way-y-y-y-
Tomorrow, tomorrow
We're yellin' for Yellin
oh, please won't you go awa-a-a-a-a-y!
TVIX got up to 24 + in the afternoon, but fools decided to buy the dips towards market close.. Even those out of the market are making a big mistake by not going short or using volatility products.
made 84% on VXX yesterday
nice song greg fed is really destroying the dollar with no end and i wish you a very happy weekend thanks for sharing.
Greg when has the FED ever got something right. They are late in whenever they raise or lower rates. Look at the value of the dollar since they came into existence. Lets end the FED.
Not looking forward to paying $100 for a cheeseburger ....
great post & video. Thanks For Share.
Thanks for the news update
really thanx for update with new post greg sir
Great results! Thanks for sharing
really sir if hamer is falling then a big signal to fall it
if dollar fall with this signal how long time its fall
The main stream are paid idiots. Its not often you get paid for actually been stupid but the main stream media is an exception.
Nice song Greg but don't give up the day job :)
You forgot to add >>> "...and if you are going to steal Joe...JUST Joe's lingo by using words like spew and saying crap like Alan Greenspam comes here to see what you have to say, at least give proper credit to Joe ....JUST Joe!" :-)
Did you escape?
Sheeeyit...escape? Do you "honestly" think I am nutso enough to join Greg on any of his "posted" trades? There is no "escaping" that train wreck. I did offer him 10X his $10 asking price for his R.I.P. report to show me what he is doing to get his win rate up to the 7 to 1 ratio he claims though. I still think he is taking the other side of his own trades while he is spewing all of these losing trades to you...his "loyal" followers. :-) Hey, don't forget to upvote this spew by Greg...he needs the money ya know. Can't sing, can't trade, tanks goodness for all you fine folks at steemit :-)
Gotta ask joejustjoe , are you the cause of the JCP blood letting today?
I remember you commenting about them recently.
Pretty much. :-) I just updated my take on JCP based on what happened today actually. I was "forced" to now loooower my long term minimum buy target on JCP to 2.25 from the previous 2.70. I also outline how you can determine major support/resistance areas on any stock you track using the method I outline in my blog on JCP here...
Checking it out, thanks JJJ
Really informative !
thank you so much for update !!
thanx for ur daily updates it grows our trade knoledge and many help in trades
Great video Greg. As for the dollar, I think that the fall is due to more war spending/ government deficit. Therefore, they will have to print more to fund this war. I suppose the inverse would have happened if it was an other nation.
Thanks for your kind information!
Im disappointed Greg I was expecting "Hammer to Fall" by Queen , handle bar moustache and your not a million miles off Freddie to be fair 🤣
I am sorry to say that your signing is not good!
Your much better at other things man.
I am still waiting, The Dollar will eventually go below $90 and things should get a lot worse.
Nice song! ... Jim Rickards advice to watch October 15th, 2017
There are a lot of good people that report on the SDR and the economic collapse. There are a lot of other info too.
Jim seems to be just reading off a card everytime he is interviewed. It just seems so fake.
I would suggest ITM Trading and Mrs. Zang
You are right, there are others saying the same. Thanks, I will check ITM Trading and Mrs. Zang.
Here is her Latest Video on the SDR. Good Stuff. (About 20 min long)
Upvoted and Resteemed.
Your advice on the Collapsing Dollar is spot on. I am getting so tired of hearing about the economy being so good when it is not.
All Lies!!!
The Cryptocurrency Challenge [BTC, LTC, ETH, & STEEM]
The Gold & Silver Futures Challenge
The Fiat Currency Crash Challenge
Lol enjoy your weekend.
I don't even buy things unless I really need to. I remember when the $1.00 candy bar used to only cost me 10 cents. Losing value.
Hey ppl look at jeff berwicks video on bitcoin! its really cool!
Hey greg your great at what you do, everything but singing that is.
The fat lady is singing too!
I reckon we could write a script for 'Mannarino the Musical' and make it about one man's crusade to save everybody's purchasing power and to proliferate options trading.
Hell No I Am Not Happy About This ! I Want To Tear This System Down ! Forgive All Debt, Go Back To The Gold Standard, And Get Globalist Bums Out Of America, And Go Back To The US Constitution And The Bill Of Right Now !
Lower dollar = higher precious metals
Lower dollar = higher prices, especially overseas imports
Lower dollar = higher crypto-currencies!
Thanks Greg, I thought I heard a cry from my wallet, turned out I really did,cuz it's hammer time.
@marketreport Thanks for share!!!!!!!!
Thanks Greg. Switching to something that can't be crushed..

Thanks for the updates Greg. Greetings from the Netherlands!
hahaha, I thought you were going to sing Duck and Cover or something...great little song :)
Thanks Greg,
DUDE! Now that's entertaining financial delirious news! Great job Greg!