
Smoke and mirrors at it's finest. They really do have this down to an art form. They perfected the centuries old playbook. Just keep you distracted so they can further their agenda.

Yet another great video, regarding the picture maybe a morning shot, cheers mike

I took Gregory's advice, on being "your own banker", when he first said it, long ago.

The US Silver Dollar is getting stronger.

i like your video!

Is Greg saying "More Maalox!" in that cartoon image he drew on the eraser board behind him? Looks like he's saying >>> "More Maalox!" :O

Hi Greg, The msm acts like a child at a candy store.....looking at all the treats....saying to us (Mom/Dad)...oh that one looks good...oh that's my favorite....oh..that one looks sooo yummy. And we're like the parents...knowing that it may look good to them, but in the end it will leave a sour taste in there mouth. As always you tell it like it is. Keep up the Great Job Brother and Steem on. Upvoted. :C)

Greg, where are your stock picks posted now? I don't see the link on your site.

Yes, his picks section has been deleted. But Greg did say in this video that >>> "If you are long the last two picks I posted (QCOM, GOOGL) at my blog and you don't take the otehr side of the trade you deserve to get your ass kicked!!" ...was that also your interpretation of what Greg said? I closed out the short I placed against Greg's QCOM buy call today via a stop...with a 68% 2 or 3 trading days. Not my best trade but hey...I sat in the yard all day in a kiddie pool sipping umbrella drinks with the neighbors...waiting for the eclipse. Sure glad I didn't drive to Montana to see it. Howzabout you? :O

That was my interpretation. Stay safe, my friend. Don't forget the life vest.

i like your post my friend @marketreport


Thanks for the update greg as always

Thank you ;)

I'm not a lion, not a trader just a blue collar worker hoping to save what I've SAVED.

nice sir to make a new post and video and we will wait ur dtube video and hope u upload ur dtube video soon

Thanks greg

Same nonsense Spewed! Thanks for being the ALTERNATIVE media.

The few of those who get it are far and few from the ones being played by the MSM and the devide and conquer technique, which is all they have left to keep the masses from joining together and stop fighting against each other and hold those responsible for the corruption, illegal trades and even pay for play scandals, thrown in your own bank but don't forget to become one with your neighbors and prepare as a group collectively working to better your lives and stop being played by the lies and manipulated markets.

I'm trying to "get" what his two positions are since he deleted his TradersChoice picks section.

They've lost control of the monster!

One more bounce to the upside then the party really begins sometime in the beginning of September.

i am new in steem .i like video...follow you

Me No Like!

  • I agree with you 100% Gregory.
  • No Recovery, Manipulation happening to all the numbers
  • Fake news distracts the masses...
  • US dollar must collapse get your assets into BTC and crypto's.

Don't get Killed!

Be well...

Thanks Greg.

I'm still working on it.... Shiny metal is my friend!!! :-)

Hey Greg, you probably already know I do this for a living so I did this update only because you are unrelenting in paying it forward and I would be an ungrateful shmuck if I did not throw something in the soup.

Have a great day, loved your vid.

Pretty good chart analysis as you "acknowledge" the possibility of a rally in the SPX. Since you would advise shorts to set a stop (SPX 2435) so close to yesterday's SPX closing price of 2428 then it is pretty clear that you would not advise new short positions at this juncture. Greg could "likely" learn alot from you as the Ty Ming of his new long trades were basically buys at teh "exact" top of the market rally. I wouldn't be initiating new shorts either. But there "might be" one more "quick" shorting opportunity if the SPX rallies here, although I doubt I will be playing it. Too close to a buy right now to be initiating new short positions that were anything but 3 day lotto tickets via the weekly SPY put options. My 10 day SPY chart finished the day yesterday with the first leg of a buy signal already established. So as of right now I will be looking to buy the SPY on the very next selloff (but I'd likely buy IWM as IWM has a bigger % upside than the SPY) and the only thing that would prevent me from buying the next selloff in the geeral market is "if" it is an accelerated wave of selling. That would "likely" take the SPY to the previous target that was set as a low...which is 234.74. The fact that the VIX sold down yesterday to the 12.50...ish area leads me to believe that the compooters will be in fact targeting the SPY 234.75 area. That would "obviously" mean "panic" should break out according to your rules of what happens when a "solid" support area breaks. I doubt that happens. But keep an "I" on my SPY 234.75 area "if" SPY 240.00 breaks. :-)

Nice. I personally don't like to trade IWM because it has been chopping around for nearly 18 months in a range that tends to be too tight to make a reasonable profit. I always have some type of long position on, so at market spikes I will buy puts to hedge (small money to protect larger money). So we saw the break above the stops and I just posted a 'snapshot' update. The algos are creating a specific market psychology that requires clipping coupons, no big shorts, just nibbling at the edges. The algos will heavily defend major support levels because there is a lack of liquidity to catch a hot falling knife at the moment, better to defend where it is easiest.

That's right, the "ave Joe" is going to lose on every trade long or short becuz, unless you are in "before" the swing in the other direction begins, you will already be buying half way through the move. That's been Greg's biggest problem actually. Tis also why I have been "refraining" from the shortest of short term trades unless the odds are too good not to step up. I outlined a trade at my UVXY options trade board/bored today. That is setting up so that your $20 lotto ticket will pay you a $100 winner. I like dem odds. Go check out my spew. :-)

a couple other guys in the trading community were talking about various VIX plays today. My intention is to wait for the volatility to hit (if at all) then short the VIX, likely with puts, and long XIV at the same time

Whoa! You now get an immediate follow from me as anyone who "says" they can handle the sexy VIXens deserves to be watched. If VXX beitchslaps you just slap her back. These gals luv that kinda shit. You do that and you get laid that night...promise. :-)

Stock market prices need to fall substantially just to reflect the economic reality.

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thank you for

Me no like. :D

That is their make believe agenda. Nope the market is not healthy. Thanks Greg.