US Dollar Slammed Again! As Bitcoin Cash, Gold & Silver Continue To Rise. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Me new pic.jpg

Today in early trade the US dollar fell sharply, A trend which has been going on for months and will not stop anytime soon-Meanwhile "dollar alternatives" are surging higher.

Cash also continues to make its way into the "perceived safety" of debt, with the US 10-year at a low for the year.

The plunging dollar value combined with exceedingly low interest rates is stock market positive for the meantime however, because there is no real price discovery mechanism which is sustainable with regard to equities, it is only a matter of time before we see a capitulation with regard to Stocks as well.

Gregory Mannarino

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Nice one Greg!!!

I appreciate you.


Thanks Greg for the update.

The dollar is down, this rerun, again. How low can it go?

Better to hold crypto than fiat currency lol.

If you are looking for end of the year tax write offs then yes, the cryptos are a good choice. Will bitcoin have its first 50% correction since Mt Gox? Stay tunt for that as it will certainly be a blast to watch. All thos millenials...wondering if they really DO need to find a "real" job. :-)

I wouldnt mind buying some bitcoin for 2000-3000 again lol.

You forgot to add >>> "...of course I'm not one who just paid $4500+ for bitcoin. If I was that guy I would likely just throw in the towel on EVER touching this shit again!" :-0 Bitcoin needs more fans "if" it is going to be the fiat replacement. If I was you I'd get on the horn to everybody you know and screem >>> "keep buying this shit! We need to keep hope alive!" :O

metals staying strong pullbacks short and shallow so far. ty

Indeed. Thank you.

Thank you 4 the continued warning Greg @marketreport

really informative post keep it up... upvoted!!

Thank you!

No "info" either here or at Greg's "live" blog as to whether he crapped out of his Q's short though. So one "must" ass-oom he is still holding. I like the way Greg keeps his kittens "informed" on the things that actually matter when it comes to measuring "professional" Greg "claims" to be. Don't you? :-)

How much do you manke TROLLing??

Volatility is the name of the game.

Cept that there has been close to "zero" volatility...even on the market dumpf on Tue. VIX only traded to 14.00. You will see some volatility on this coming dollar bottom though...especially in the areas Greg now sees as "good places to have your money" >>> Precious metals, cryptos in purrtickler.

Any chance you could STFUP!!

Ok, this is the second time in about a week you took your lips away from Greg's ass to spew something. Nice work! Now get back to kissing Greg's ass...and see you next week? :O

didn't greg recommend shorting gold last week?

So now you are saying Greg generated this rally in gold? I don't recall that one. You do see his "buy gold and silver" call today though. Gotta hand it to him, Greg works fast! Tell me why I should stop following/hounding America's greatest reverse indicator again? :-)

you do as you please..quite amusing the time you put into it..and please don't assume "what I'm saying"...why don't you just ignore greg??? obsession????

Thanks. I enjoy it myself. And it "looks like" I am beginning to put a dent in Greg's earnings power too. Sure, there will always be the suckiest of suckas who are going to kiss Greg's ass no matter how utterly wrong he "continues" to be. But look at the number of people spewing here. Waaaaay down from when I got started. STEEM trading back above $1.50 and Greg is now earning half on each of his dummass rants that he used to earn. Let's see if I can get him to change his mind and move back to Utube. He can "censor" me over there. Not here tho. I doubt he will go back to Utube. Like I already said, Greg "knows" he can't trade worth a shit. So that makes his ONLY sources of income the money he can sucker out of ass kissers like yourself who are dumb enough to pay him for his lame ass Ebooks...and the even bigger morons who would waste their money on "1 on 1" instruction. Plus there's the $$$ he earns from the upvotes of you kittens...which is definitely trending >>>> Loooower. I'm happy with my results so far. Greg can also end the onslaught if he goes back to full and "complete" disclosure on every trade he spews. I can do it. WTF can't a self-proclaimed trading professional like Greg do it? Because he CAN'T!! That's why. :-)

BTW...I don't pay him a do I care what in hell you trade...the amusement is over..sick..

Nice info bro, I really need this type of news everyday. Cause I trade in Forex so your news will be good for me.

So I will follow you from today to get latest updates.

Excellent. Thank you!

Let's see if she can break 1350 after that next stop is 1370. Doing great Greg no one is right all the time but you have been kicking goals.

silver, cryptos and ReSteemed! Thx Greg

Dump the dollar, seek alternatives..

Thank you my friend.

You really nailed this trade. I am short, waiting to go to 85, then i will take the gains.

Brutal for the dollar. Thank you!

Uhhhm, Greg's most recent trade in the dollar was a long (and wrong!) via UUP. "Decimated it" is more like what greg did to the dollar. No doubt he crapped out of that trade at this point however. Now the dollar rally can o-fish-ally be "nailed!" Just remember what Greg is saying about the dollar vs dollar alternatives here. And even if you worries. I will certainly remind all of Greg's kittens what he was saying "after" he "finally" notices how hard the precious metal stocks in purrtickler are being crushed.

I do not know about that. I know that he is been bearish on Dollar for months, but if he lost on this particular UUP, well that happens when you trading. It is probability game, not about winning every time, because this is impossible. Anyway I appreciate you response, I am going to stay bearish, not because Greg, I watch his videos and blogs for some kind of confirmation.

Good point, he was bearish the dollar until he actually stepped up and made a bet...and lost...and "likely" also crapped out of his Q's short already with a loss, and now he is saying to hoard metals and short the dollar. Did Greg say a word when gold and silver were at July lows? Did he even post a trade that we can verify? Go ahead and find it for me. I only judge Greg on what he says and "until recently"...what he actually does. You don't think there's a reason Greg stopped posting trades at TradersChoice I guess...right?It doesn't matter. He's now on the record about the dollar at current lows, as well as precious metals and cryptos. So it will be impossible for him to deny what he is saying...even if he isn't putting his money where his mouth is for all to witness.

didn't greg recommend shorting gold/silver last week? just curious.

No I didn't. I said watch for a pullback (which did not come) as the dollar continues to get crushed.

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Sure Miss you on youtube, so sad

I just moved! Glad you are here.

Greg Hunter, on his Weekly Update, just said the U.S. can't
pay off the National Debt, but as per my PC Theory, I say
we can easily pay off the National Debt in Full...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reply

The system is "debt based" which means that it is 100% dependent on the continual acquisition of debt in perpetuity, It can never stop.. The moment we stop borrowing more cash into existence the debt based system collapses.

We don't have to "Borrow" cash into "Existence"... Congress has the Power to Coin Money and "regulate" the Value thereof... The Key word here is Regulate... All we need to do is Regulate,, or RESET the Value of our Coined Money, to bring it back to "Fair Market Value" with the Fiat (Play Money) Dollar... We don't reset the play money, we reset our Coinage...

And while we're at it, we can Redeem all the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes for their Existing Purchasing Power, which at Present happens to be ONE CENT... As the Debt Notes are Redeemed,we can give them back to the Federal Reserve to be destroyed, as payment of Debt... I'm talking the entire National Debt, plus any Interest Owed... I'm sure we will give people from Around the World, ample time to Redeem any Federal Reserve Notes held...

The United States will not Default on any of its Debt Obligtions, and I mean World Wide...

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