
As per my PC Theory, when the Federal Reserve spends money, they know they're buying everything for ONE CENT on the Fiat (Play Money) Dollar... This may be a good time for people to be holding Physical U.S. Coinage... I actually like calling it Pocket Change...
... ...$7.77 ... ...222 views ... ... Reset

Sometimes I wonder if anyone ever reads what I write...
A simple reply every now and again would be nice...
... ...$7.77 ... ...1 vote ... ... .... Reset

You spam it in every video, maybe people just ignore you now after seeing it over and over?
State your case, show some humility and let people decide for themselves if your theory has any merit to it.

I don't Spam, I comment... I asked Gregory if I was a bother and he told me to keep doing what I was doing... Thanks for commenting... At least now, I know people see what I write... Feel free to click on my Comment Section and you will see that every comment is New...
... ...$7.77 ... ...1 vote ... ... .... Reset

Ya right .....investing ia one of the beat thing which makes you millionare within days.i like your blog.keep writing

Thanks again for the fantastic updates and news.