10 yr BOND over 3% spells Doom and Gloom!
JIM Cramer is a SELL OUT! "Presstitute"
180 Days till the Beginning of the Greatest Depression in History!
No interveening will stop the inevitable.
And that is the reason why they hammer like crazy on gold & silver ! Not allowed to rise, so there is really trouble in the system..."Houston, we´ve got a problem" ;-)
Thanks for keeping the no BS factor in your trend opinions Gregory.
I can't stomach the C of D's anymore. I tuned in yesterday after several weeks of not watching. CNBC contributes nothing of value any longer.
Thank you for being different.
As always I value your views and appreciate you keeping them coming.
Thanks for your excellent analysis.
10 yr BOND over 3% spells Doom and Gloom!
JIM Cramer is a SELL OUT! "Presstitute"
180 Days till the Beginning of the Greatest Depression in History!
No interveening will stop the inevitable.
bubble will pop soon
For some reason they don’t want us to know the truth until it’s too late! Cheers mike
Won't the falling dollar help keep things propped up?
Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted, and Resteemed, as always.
Hey mr robin hood, good to see you again.I wait for your updatefull posts like this Everytime. Thanks sir.
Greg, we love this report and your on fire today and we did up vote and re air
Greg, Thanks for 3% line in the sand and flattening yield curve. upvoted and resteemed..
Great news dear I like it . You are such a robbinhood
I agree with you. Bond market analysis is confusing today
And that is the reason why they hammer like crazy on gold & silver ! Not allowed to rise, so there is really trouble in the system..."Houston, we´ve got a problem" ;-)
They really hit down the gold and silver today. Their speciality selling paper gold
Silver looks like a real bargain at the moment... another Lovely day to become your own central bank...???
Great news..you giving us nice information ..thanks @marketreport
Good news,dear....
Upvote and resteemit.
That dollar index :D
Bonds dropped off a cliff!!!!
Things are getting interesting.
Thanx for the update
Re-steemed to keep the clowns at bay.... what??? lol
The time is now to pay attention to the yield curve.
Thanks for keeping the no BS factor in your trend opinions Gregory.
I can't stomach the C of D's anymore. I tuned in yesterday after several weeks of not watching. CNBC contributes nothing of value any longer.
Thank you for being different.
As always I value your views and appreciate you keeping them coming.
why you don't upvote any post at now
He's done it again with this video.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get ready.
Amazing video.