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Thank you Mr. Yellen. The profits you allow me to make are going straight to hard assets. From your Central bank to mine. Great video Greg!

slowly building up the assets in our own central banks. the mr. yellen line is too funny. :)

I am creating my own bank with bitshares so no govt can get the hands of my money.

So cool! Some'thing' is going to keep/push markets (stock- that is) higher higher higher. Still, like we say here, be your own cb.

I am my own central bank and I am not going to take this from them. They only have control of what little I give them. Other then that, I am my own bank from now on.

Good thinking. On another wholly different note, myself stupid still feel not grasping this upvoting percentage thingy. Never mind, i upvote what, how much and when i feel like :)

If you check out one of my Blog posts from a day or two ago, you can see my issue with upvoting. Its not that I don't want to up vote, its just that I can't at the present. If I up vote at the present, people will get a big fat zero and my percentage stays low. So I am waiting on my percentage to come back up.

Thank you, kind that you point me to your post. Now i will smart up.

No worries man. Hey check out by the way and just change it to your name:

I'm working on it..... This interest stagnation might give me more time to get to where I need to be with metals and cryptos to become my own cb


Maybe Clif High was right in his web bot report about the stock market melting up to 100k

I really like listening to Clifs reports!!!!!! Interesting guy :-)

All we need now is for the metals to go crazy, thanks greg.

We need silver to have the price action of Bitcoin!

When silver moves it will make everyone forget about everything else my friend. Cheers

So true....the day draws near my friend, hang's going to be a ride of our lifetime!

They'll go crazy soon. They keep pushing down on a giant spring with the paper. Market discovery from hell

Greg do you think with the fed saying that about interest rates it could have a good effect on the metals going forward. Cheers mike

"Here is the statement prepared for today mam" "Ok and then I can get back to my stamps ?"

Yes I agree, the fed is public enemy #1

Thanks for the update! That´s an huge game changer indeed and I think the Fed lost it´s last credibility...

Yes, when are you going back on, USA Watchdog, with Greg Hunter. Greg Hunter is right up there, with Gregory Mannarino.

The fact that the stock market is responding so markedly to anything Janet Yellen says is FREAKING SCARY. They want everyone to feel totally comfortable to have all of their money in the U.S. Dollar. They only reason they want this is so that they can crash it, while they are holding most of the "REAL" assets. It is a SET-UP!!! Get out of the dollar wherever you can & get into Silver, Gold, and Cryptos ASAP. The Fed is going to screw you without a second thought.

As always, let us all prepare accordingly...

It could be the last push for a sucker rally in the (massively overvalued) stock market. Everything that really matters is still on the edge of a cliff. My advice: buy what is least in favor.

This is crazy Greg. How long and far is this thing gonna go up? :[

Sounds like it gonna be a melt-up!

Thx bro )

What do you expect for the junk bonds? The price will go higher (i.e. the yield lower)?

I think there is a 50/50 chance that the Market will move somewhere between UP and DOWN. There fixed it for you all. Mother Fellen.

Damn you're good!!!!!!

Thanks buzz.

So I guess they're not ready to crash the housing market yet? Very interesting news. As always, thank you Greg.

Nice video Greg. The propping up of the stock market continues, and it seems it will never end. How do you figure Canadian policy makers will react? Poloz sounded pretty hawkish this morning, but if the Fed stops hiking Canada can't afford to move forward with the hike cycle at the risk of currency appreciation and a drop in exports. I wrote a post following the BoC hike this morning highlighting the risks of a sustained hiking cycle to different asset classes, although at this pace it seems like we'll take a while to get there.

We shall see what the Fed will really do. It's actions not words that will tell this tale.

Hi Greg, Great video. Hey everyone...can you smellin....what the cookin!! lol :C)

great video Greg! They're just going to inflate the debt to oblivion. we'll capitalize either way!

thanks for this great post. it is really informative

"... I don't think we'll see an economic crisis in our lifetime..."

lol... I was hearing those words in my head too.... :-)

HA...! No we may see the greatest of them in our lifetime. She will eat those words so much. I believe she just said that for the sheepleople so they feel more comfortable about investing back into the market.

I think you are correct... so a stackin I go!!!!

Totally agree with you here. Planning on entering the market myself, and becoming one of your lions. Thinking of using robinhood. Wondering if there are things that I should be aware of. Or is there others that you recommend. Will tell you I am scared. Just cause it is new to me. Any advice. I have been to your website and I am great full for your options. We share similar views on the fed.

Thanks Greg. I really wondered if the Fed would change course again, like they have continued to do. I really feel that they have painted themselves into a corner, when it comes to interest rates. Thanks @marketreport

Thank you Gregory for getting this blog out so early in the morning. I'm not a trader, I'm the guy with money in the bank. But I'm going to have to force myself to learn stock trading. It's sink or swim, hand me a life preserver.

Buy physical silver then worry about learning to trade. Trading is not easy at all. They make it look easy so as to lure you in and then to steal your money. Just my opinion. 👍😊

Thanks for the comment @readallaboutit, I have some physical silver and gold, but the way it's manipulated I my be dead before fare value is realized. And like you say trading takes practice and luck. Plan on buying real estate that I can afford with rental possibilities.

Hi @manorvillemike real estate is a market as well. At least with the stock market you can get out but with property you are stuck in a crash. Like any market you want to buy low - preferably after a crash and sell high preferably before a crash. Remember you never really own the property. If you can't pay your property tax you will probably lose it. Following Greg's advice and shorting the market when he tells you to could also be very profitable. Too many of us are like sheep and do things because we are brainwashed into believing sayings like our house is our biggest asset which isn't always true. Tenants can also be a nightmare if you get the wrong ones they can cost you a lot of money. Good luck with your choices. 👍

Thanks @readallaboutit, I got what you are saying. Everything in life is a risk in some form or another. We learn from our mistakes, provided they aren't to big. In other words, gamble with what you can afford to lose.

Hi manorvillemike you are 100% correct. If you want to learn how to trade there are demo trading accounts available where you can trade like it's real but obviously with no risk. 👍

That's me no risk.. haha


Looks like the elite are going to siphon off more wealth. Poor corporate serfs don't even see it coming.

Greg this is all your fault :). Yesterday you challenged any dollar bulls to explain or make a case for a dollar rally. Janet must have seen your video, she has a product to sell, the Federal Reserve Note. Since noone was buying for value, she put the Note on sale. Perhaps we have just seen the beginning of a "Going Out of Business" sale. As to a rising stock market, Von Mises (father of Austrian Economics) wrote about a "crack up" boom in stocks at the end of a credit cycle. Wow - to live in such days as these, to witness in real time, the unfolding of the debate between the Keynesians and the Austrians. My money is and has been that the Austrians are correct.

Good post!!!!

Juggling chainsaws on a unicycle. I'm enjoying the bread and circus shit show.

Thanks Greg. Upvoted and resteemed.

WoW...... friggin WoW......... I'm so confused...... lol

So they are boosting the stock market once again but how long can the gold and silver mining companies stay afloat with all the manipulation going on? The FED is a complete disaster for the world.

Great point. Plus the energy companies are also levered up and oil (and nat gas) are trending lower.

Surely they did push crude higher. I am long. Targeting 49, just in no time soon. SoXL had been on a great run ocer 15% in 5 days! Staying away from that junk NG

fancy that finally call for lower rates to maintain --more theft from the middle class

Not if teh middle class knows how to benefit from it. Yesterday I outlined how "market driven" rates were "looking liek" they were setting up to move looower at one of Greg's blogs. There was an over-reaction in market driven rates on the news which will adjust out in short order...making this one of teh only true "buy and hold" assets out there soon.

The other "safe haven" of course is the dollah. it is MUCH closer to a buy than longer term govmint bonds. I will be posting my buy call in UUP soon at my blog. Pretty "neat" how you can take your dollars...and generate at least a 25% overall return (minimum) over the next 24 Sure beats putting your dolars in a passbook savings account...that's for sure.

your an interesting guy and i followed you

Kewell, now you will "know" when the bottom is in if you are a silver stacker. :-)

Very Good Post. I get some great knowledge from it.
Please look at my post its about New ICOOmega One.
Please Resteem it.
Thank you for your time.

It's just ridiculous how CONTROLLED the market is.

Completely agree with you. So sick of this whole thing.

The FED has no clue what they are doing

I think they actually do know what they are doing. They are a pretty shady group!

That Is Why I Moving My Money Out Of This Phoney Stock Market And Buying More Silver And Going To Crypto Making Money In Litecoin Which I Am Also Buying Silver With My Gains !

Same strategy here alexx123 ... It really seems that litecoin will be the worldwide workhorse crypto going forward. I have a modest investment in LTC, BTC, and ETH, as well as silver. I also have a small biz which is weathering the economic slide fairly well.

The Fed is tell everyone who knows better that the economy is fragile by keeping the rates low. The longer they keep this going the harder the fall when it does occur keep buying Gold and Silver.

I wonder if this means the market top is nearer Greg? Would we be seeing a rate cut next?

Thanks Greg for the info. As for me, gold and silver is still the way to go as being the safest and more secured item to hold in times of uncertainties.

great video Mr. M! things are getting curiouser and curiouser...

And the manipulation continues.

Yellen is a puppet on a string. Yes, let's take advantage.

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