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RE: Is This How World War III Begins, In Almost Complete Silence?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Ww1 was started a very short time after the federal reserve gained control of the money supply to use the us population as collaterak to control the world through fiat. The old empires in europe were all getting spooked at the german colonial expansions and the oil train routes etc. They wanted a total war to decide who was going to be the colonial master. Europe was too stupid to figure out that in reality it was directed from the deep state of the us. US have entered both world wars via false flags, Lucitania and Pearl Harbor. Socialism has been planned in Russia to infect the world with a master and slave mentality, governed by a large state, that easily could be controlled from the deep state. That is why they planned the division of europe before ww2 ended, so that they made sure something like the cold war could feed the MIC. When the cold war ended PNAC was invented and a global WOT through 9/11 false flag runs to this day. In truth a century of warfare and enslavement.