Money changes everything...

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Yes, it's right...Money changes everything!

When you're broke you don't even feel like getting out of bed...

When you're broke you order off the left side of the menu where the cheaper stuff is found like, chicken salad....

When you're broke and have bills bombarding your mind that transforms into an ugly face, it's not pretty...

When you're broke you can't help the Kingdom of God no matter what you beliefs are about the Kingdom....

When you're broke you don't even want to go to church because you don't have the money to put in the offering plate...

When you're broke you have to tell your kids lets have a Netflix family night for the umpteenth time because you can't afford to go to the movies to watch the latest hit....

When you're broke you worry about friends coming over because you can't offer them even the cheapest dessert and only water...

When you're broke you are constantly watching the gas gauge of your old car for fear of running out of gas...

So does money change you?


You are right... It does!

You wake up with a energizing leap out of the bed!

You are bombarded with constant ideas that you are so ready to implement in your business...

You invite your friends over and serve them best food and wine...

You don't care about the gas gauge in your car because you are confident it is full...

You order whatever the heck you want off the menu at a nice ritzy restaurant...

You grow your business on your own way...

Your smile is so freaking wide your mouth actually hurts...

The only people saying "money isn't everything in life", they are BROKE!

We will always have problems coming into our lives, but I rather have money than being broke to confront them...

Believe me, I have been in both sides of the coin.

Feel free to resteem, and leave me your feedback below!

#Money #Mindset #Entrepreneur


Money does change everything. Without money, theres chaos in the house

I bet there is...😂😂😂

yes money change everything! nice post

I have been on both sides as well, and totally agree with you. Money does help. But I believe the key lies in your perception of your current situation.

Exactly, it's how we react to situations in life.

Hi Lina,

Yeah money does change everything.

Great post!

@lulita its me joe28....

You know money very important in our life.
But now, most important close to you.

You have good post I like it. As I like you.

Agree lulita i have had times when i have made a lot of money others when skint i know which i prefer lol. @kevinace

I think we all prefer the same. 😀

Great post! I totally agree with you, being broke sucks :)

This is very interesting post ! I have so many business ideas, but only money holding me back. Resteem and folowing.

Thank you. Where there is a will, there is a way...

Money can't buy you happiness but at least you can suffer in comfort.


I am so broke @lulita I may need to stuff the Thanksgiving turkey with old newspapers this year !

OMG that is sooo funny...😂😂😂😂😂
Broke is temporary, but poor is in the mind.
It's ok to be broke, as long as you keep fighting to get out of the hole...