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RE: New World Order Mouthpiece Warns We Are On Verge of Greatest Debt Jubilee In History

in #money9 years ago

The funny thing is, I actually want humanity to organize together as a global species. I'm sick of all the xenophobia, nationalism, and "pride" in something as silly as the luck of birth and some imaginary lines drawn on a map a long time ago. I want more unity, more shared goals for prosperity, discovery, and enlightenment. What I don't want is government, the monopoly on the use of force within a geographic region, especially if that "region" becomes the entirety of planet earth.

There are been many claims of a pending NWO conspiracy for quite some time now, but it never seems to happen. Seems to me governments are too pathetically inefficient. Even the EU is falling apart, right? I welcome trends toward unity as a species as long as we can get the myth of authority out of our own minds and laugh in the face of those who pretend to rule.


Yes, global unity would be great. The whole narrative around the NWO is very interesting. Firstly, in one sense we already have it, in the unity of the central banks. The "obvious" signs of disunity - xenophobia etc, and borders and @#$%^ visas - are only for the majority, and they are continually re-inforced and empathsized. That there is so much FUD about the NWO suggests that there is something that TPTB fear: that the unity is already happening. And it's not their party.

Well said. :) I often wonder about the tin hat NWO stuff as controlled opposition. But yeah, the currencies and banks of the world, the IMF/IBS/etc with their Strategic Drawing Rights are already forming a new world reserve currency... And yet here we are in the crypto world giving them a middle finger via our private keys. :)


Not all goverments are the same. You can leave and join Liberland or Switzerland which are pretty much anarchic places with very little governance. Most of earth is unutilised and unclaimed. If you don't like it in one country leave for another. In USA you can claim your land as mining colony and no one will be allowed to enter or leave without proper documentation. There is always a way.

Nobody likes authority but it seems to emerge everywhere. Even here in Steemit. Look at the few people that have all the power and act as authority. Nothing really changes my friend

"If you don't like it you can leave" is one of the oldest and laziest rebuttals to anarchist philosophy. I won't bother rebutting it here as many have done it before.

If you think humans need rulers and that's ethical justified, then you represent part of the overall problem. Too many people believe authority backed by violence is okay. I do not.

Having Steem Power to influencing an online conversation is world's different than having air craft carriers and drones to destroy and kill. There is no coercion on Steemit. These are all voluntary interactions.

You can always leave steemit, lol

ofcourse you can. you choose to stay here much like you choose to stay in your country.

So you staying here on Steemit is comparable to your choice staying in a country.

And that would mean that if I agree with staying here I give consent to the “rulers” of Steemit to rule over me and force me to pay and obey them?
And that is almost the same as; me giving consent to criminals to rob me and subjucate me in MY land, cause they say MY land, falls under what they call their country?

Oh and I “choose” to stay in the fictional entity called EU as well, so I choose to be subjugated and extorted by them as well? What's when some people claim to be the N.W.O. and claim that the whole earth fall under their so called jurisdiction, including MY land. Is it then that “me choosing to stay on planet earth (in MY land) that I give consent that I have to obey an pay them?

By the way I remember from when I was a believer in the fictional entity called EU that I voted against it. lol I voted against a fictional entity.

Who told you that Switzerland was "anarchic"? Its just another Western democratic-regulatory-welfare state...

Xenophobia? You must be a Hillary supporter?

The single word gives you enough information to label me? You must be a non-thinking drone.

I'm an anarchist. You could have reviewed my blog to find that out.

Wow. Non-Thinking drone. Hurt me. Lol