Always did love the different coins, notes and financial instruments whenever I would hit some of the museums . Much like @brakan, I am curious about the history and the political events of the period which inspired the minting of the coins.
Curious if you have either read or seen the book and Youtube seriers of Niall Ferguson titled The Ascent of Money. It's a very deep look into the history of money and banks. It's incredibly awesome. The Youtube series starts with him holding the first know bearer bond in history from ancient Egypt.
Great piece. Thought I'd spring for a @randowhale upvote as well on this.
Did not know of this YouTube series thx a lot! Now I know what to watch after work tonight!
I thanked you up above, but will do so again - thanks mate, much appreciated. I read Ascent Of Money a few years ago and really enjoyed, but never got around to seeing the series, I forgot it existed. Glad you reminded me, will have to check it out!