I harvested Camphorweed flowers, stems and leaves, not Camphor Leaves. Camphor comes from a large evergreen tree which we do not have. Our wildcrafted Camphorweed, Latin name Pluchea Camphorata on the other hand, was harvested a lot. This plant has some amazing medicinal uses not to mention its cute pink and purple flowers are really beautiful.
The two wheelbarrows full of harvested herbs is actually an understatement. Actual Lemon Thai Basil harvesting must have been closer to about 6 wheelbarrows full. The several huge, hand carried, massive loads of Lambs Quarter wasn't even mentioned. So, as bad ass as all that was, there's more.
I harvested at least 5 pounds of salad greens and another girl probably doubled that, in addition.
The little girl's birthday party was epic and she had a blast. It cost us nothing. All the money most people spend on children's birthday parties is mind blowing.
The $70.00 raised is pretty pathetic. All the steemit-ers need to do is click to UpVote and RePost and you can be a part of the awesomeness. Be aware, this is just a sampling of what we accomplish on a regular basis. Truth is, we have done and do much, much more.
Your contributions are appreciated!