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RE: Nobel Peace Prize Winner Obama Has 14 Days To Start World War III

in #money8 years ago

Fortunately, we live in a topsy turvy world where the Russian President is a mature adult unlikely to be baited (tho' not impossible). Obama would face widespread - but sadly not unanimous - condemnation if he drew first blood, and moreover he wouldn't win such a battle (if, indeed, anyone would).


In the entire history of the world I can't think of one aggressor who has started a war with Russia and won. Fair point.

In the entire history of the world I can't think of one aggressor who has started a war with Russia and won. Fair point.


Fair point. The mongols did take Moscow.

The mongols did take Moscow.

this is true also, but i was thinking about 650 years after that. russo-japanese war

The late 19th century and very early 20th century, like from about 1890-1905 before the events that led (directly) up to WWI, there were a host of super interesting wars and conflicts that kind of got lost to mainstream history because they were overshadowed by WWI and WWII.

For example, did you know that in the late 19th century a western imperialist power annexed a country in Asia.

When the inhabitants of of that asian colony declared their independence, this western power brutally shelled them from a naval position, killing thousands.

That imperialist power then proceeded to fight a three year long, declared war with the colonists, that ended in the capture and execution of their leader, and the subjugation of the asian colony for almost 50 years.

The asian colony: The Philippines
The western imperial power: The United States Of America.

The war, called the Philippine-American War, was fought from 1899-1902. I would venture to guess that that most Americans don't know was a real thing, and don't know that the Philippines was an american colony from the turn of the century until WWII.

Well, I totally missed that one. I had to look it up. Somehow I'd never heard of that.

actually that is better than a fair point, it is an excellent point.... no winner scenario anyways if things go nuke. seems also it is more a monetary clash, only 3 countries in the world that are not run by Central Banking and Russia is one of them, anyone know the other two?

Nukes are not likely IMO. but not entirely off that table so long as nukes exist. Even the most deranged sociopath knows nukes bring it to your front door. These puppets in office want to be able to send young fit men off to die while they live in luxury and continue to pay back all those campaign "donations" to their defense contractor buddies in the form of another conventional war.

Conventional? What about unconventional such as...
taking out the water supply of an entire city (few days ago) and gosh you have created an entire new market, 5 million people looking for water

North Korea and Micronesia are the only two I know of...