I fully agree with you. I had to buy a bigger car at some point (kids), and had no choice to take a loan. My previous car, that was roughly ok in term of size (even with kids) was a cheap used car fell suddenly apart. The price to repair it was more than half the price I originally bought the car 9 years earlier (so that I didn't fix it).
So trust me, I would have avoided to get a loan, but sometimes, you can't. I was lucky enough to negotiate a very nice interest rate of 2% so that at the end, it didn't cost me too much... :)
I'm thinking that I will have to buy a larger vehicle because I will soon have a second kid. I will keep it under my target price though.
If you have the time to browse the market, then you can probably get a very good deal! Good luck with this! ;)
Yea, not being in a rush is important. Most times you have to wait for the prey to come to you... :)