I am an average Joe who's always lived paycheck to paycheck and just signed off on my second Chapter 7 sadly. I went 4 yrs without a vehicle but finally decided one was needed last year. With thousands of dollars required in repairs to service that vehicle, I became even more dependent on credit usage. I earn $10 an hour LESS than I did ten yrs ago slinging boxes in a warehouse part-time and that's as good as it gets for this spouse-less, child-less, family-less, date-less 48 yr old poor sap.
- It bites.
The one small plus side is I will be living on cash only moving fwd, coddling the small amt. of silver & gold I didn't have to hock to cover atty fees. I am an extremely diligent & intelligent worker who is flat out discouraged with life and the empty fruits of my immense labor. I am willing to bet I am not alone and, more than likely, ahead of the American curve / horizon . . . . :o(*