As for communism... take this from somebody who grew up under the regime : Where it failed (It's still strong on half the planet by the way), It Did Not Fail Beacuse of wealth distribution, it failed because of dictatorial oppression!!!
Venezuela 2017
North Korea
So stroooong.
I know it's hard to admit a mistake, but 2 pictures prove nothing. You can find grimmer scenarios in democracy, nothing new. See Lybia for example.
I write from my life experience about communism, where does your info comes from?
And you realy can't say something has failed if it's still active on half the globe. You could say fascism has failed, as it's gone now.
Strictly on the point of your post, during communism, money had value. Shortly after the Romanian Leu defaulted so badly that what you could buy before with 5 lei, would cost 10. 000 times more. That is Ten Thousand. Romania had no external debt and we owned our infrastructure. Now all infratructure is private and Romania is billions in debt.
Pease believe me, there's more than one side to communism, and where it fails, it fails because a demented dictator (power corrupts.who knew?), and behind the scene political games.
Stop trying to justify that graph. It should never be a T. Better work on turning it into an Y, then a V. There will always be some who manage their money better, but the discrepancies should never be so large. Not in a civilised, intelligent species at least.
hearsay vs hearsay
that was the point of the pictures
You hearsay, I livedsay. It doesn't seem to stick though. By the way, your saving grace is your "follow" image, at the bottom of your post. "The blind leading the blind", so accurate. A fine, fine print. But no, thanks :)
Still waiting for you to answer the next questions:
I write from my life experience about communism, where does your info come from? What makes you think you know better than somebody who actually lived through a change of regime?
Why instead of admitting your mistake you try to distract by sending some pictures with no real meaning on the points I raised?
How can you say something has failed when it's active on half the planet and second, if not arguably first superpower in the world?
And how can you compare something with everything?
Are you human?