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RE: I Just Lost my Job due to Discrimination Against Mental Illness

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Been there!

I once managed part of a security firm here in Manitoba. Was acceling at my work but needed another body to help with the workload. After months of pleading with the boss and him ignoring me I ended up writing an email to him explaining exactly how I was feeling... Which just so happened to include the string "This workload is making me want to step in front of a bus".

That got his attention, but you know rather than get me another worker to spread the workload the wanker made me an ultimatum that I go seek professional help or be fired. I quit right then and there.

Fuck employers that can't see that their horseshit effects more than their profits but also the people trading their life hours to make them rich.

You'll find more work, maybe something that makes you happier and less miserable. Good luck to you chelsea88.

P.S. I'm bipolar as well. An incredible gift and curse we share. It doesn't define who you are though.. Just means the highs and lows are a bit more intense than what "normal" people can fathom.. <3


Oh man. Wow. I'm sorry. Thanks so very much for your insight. I really do think that "they" think we are just making it up. WHY would anyone do that?? Beyond me.

Thanks again so much. Your words of insight and encouragement mean more than you know. I plan to keep everyone posted as i go through this process